adic in Vietnamese

- ađic

Sentence patterns related to "adic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "adic" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "adic", or refer to the context using the word "adic" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Its proofs use p-adic analysis.

2. Krasner did research on p-adic analysis.

3. Her current work concerns the p-adic Langlands program.

4. ADIC called with updates about the raspberry pi.

5. The State party recalls the Committee's Opinion in communication No # adic v

6. However Wang (1948) discovered the following counter-example: 16 is a p-adic 8th power for all odd primes p, but is not a rational or 2-adic 8th power.

7. It's a generalization of Faltings's almost purity theorem in p-adic Hodge theory.

8. The principal result asserts that higher cohomology classes are p-adic limits of cuspidal modular forms.

9. In 1944 he introduced the concept of ultrametric spaces, to which p-adic numbers belong.

10. The 10-adic expansion ...999 does have a last 9, and it does not have a first 9.

11. Another example, playing a key role in algebraic number theory, is the field Qp of p-adic numbers.

12. ADIC was set up to act as an investment arm to invest the excess oil revenues.

13. The rationality part of the conjectures was proved first by Bernard Dwork (1960), using p-adic methods.

14. In that case results have been obtained for p-adic L-functions, which describe certain Galois modules.

15. Since October 2016 he has led the international research programme Special L-vaues and p-adic L-functions.

16. His thesis, entitled "On p-Adic Representations Arising from Descent on Abelian Varieties", was later published in Compositio Mathematica.

17. The Agence pour le développement intégré au Congo (ADIC) is a nongovernmental organization created to reduce poverty and address pandemic health threats.

18. The latter begin from the Bernoulli numbers, and use interpolation to define p-adic analogues of the Dirichlet L-functions.

19. In the 1980s with Kay Wingberg he completely described the absolute Galois group of p-adic number fields, i.e. in the local case.

20. With a ground-breaking paper in 1958, Mautner became an important pioneer in the representation theory of reducible p-adic groups.

21. RELEX has taken part in several ADIC projects: Volserv, Fileserv, StorNext. The Volserv product is used to manage libraries of tape-drives and disks.

22. Four international operators (MAG, NPA, HI and DCA) and five national organisations (CRRDC, ADIC, BADU, and SYLAM AFRILAM) took part in the process.

23. A fundamental connection was noticed between the module theory, and the p-adic L-functions that were defined in the 1960s by Kubota and Leopoldt.

24. Kottwitz works in the Langlands program, including harmonic analysis on p-adic Lie groups and automorphic forms and the general linear groups and Shimura varieties.

25. The inventive method is based on Frobenius endomorphism, whereby a very short $g(t)-adic expansion is obtained enabling rapid calculation of multiplication.

26. In 2006, the company acquired a backup library Quantum PX720 LTO III and software Netbackup 6.5, to renew his two ADIC SCALAR 100 and Arkeia.Network Backup.

27. Letρl:GE →H(Ql) be a system of l-adic Galois representations associated to a motive over a number fieldE with values in the algebraic groupH.

28. Dr. Iovita's most recent work has been concentrated on one of the most dynamical theories to emerge in recent years, a theory known as p-adic cohomology.

29. In 1968, together with Paul Monsky, he introduced the Monsky–Washnitzer cohomology, which is a p-adic cohomology theory for non-singular algebraic varieties.

30. Her early work explored p-Adic L-functions, which became the topic of her first thesis, and she continues to work on the related fields of zeta functions.

31. He also gave essential contributions to the development of areas such as p-adic functional and stochastic analysis as well as to the singular perturbation theory for differential operators.

32. Howson received her Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Cambridge in 1998 with thesis title Iwasawa Theory of Elliptic Curves for ρ-Adic Lie Extensions under the supervision of John H. Coates.

33. The ICTY confirmed in the # adic case the Security Council's competence to create a tribunal of its kind; today it is generally accepted that the Security Council has the power to establish such tribunals

34. In 2008, the Ameropa Foundation also built ADIC, a school for 300 students in Passo da Patria, a favela on the shore of Potenji River, in the outskirts of the city of Natal.

35. He was awarded the Fields Medal in 2018, for "transforming arithmetic algebraic geometry over p-adic fields through his introduction of perfectoid spaces, with application to Galois representations, and for the development of new cohomology theories."

36. With an eye towards applications in p-adic Hodge theory, we extend this to some cases where H is not subnormal, assuming that the G-action is analytic in the sense of Lazard.

37. Like the real numbers, the p-adic numbers can be built from the rational numbers via Cauchy sequences; the construction uses a different metric in which 0 is closer to p, and much closer to pn, than it is to 1.

38. In the second case the starch plates were impregnated with paraffin or vegetable oil, and as mobile phases a solvent system containing methanol-water-acetic adic (16 : 3 : 1) and others solvent mixtures currently used in paper chromatography were used.

39. When lipolysis in adipose tissue was blocked by 0.5 g of nicotinic adic/hour the triglyceridefatty acids reached only 116.2 % after 12 hours, with a decrease in oleic acid, which is present in adipose tissue to a higher degree than in plasma triglycerides.

40. When f is a cusp form, this expression involves the p-adic logarithms of so-called Stark points: distinguished points on the modular abelian variety attached to f, defined over the number field cut out by the Artin representations attached to g and h.

41. Coming to Canada from University of Washington, USA Research involves Studying variations of families of mathematical objects known as p-adic L-functions attached to families of geometric objects - such as curves, surfaces, their pieces and their respective invariants - to advance number theory, computational algebra and arithmetic algebraic geometry.

42. While storing the integer 802787 in binary requires 20 bits, the storing of the rational number 1/802787 in quote notation requires at least 802786 bits (or at least 401393 p-adic digits), which differs by a factor of 40140 (s. rightmost column of the table).

43. In 1970 Kiehl was an Invited Speaker at the ICM in Nice with talk Grauertsche Kohärenzsätze für stetige und differenzierbare Familien komplexer Räume. with Eberhard Freitag: Etale Cohomology and the Weil Conjecture, Springer Verlag 1988 with Rainer Weissauer: Weil Conjectures, Perverse Sheaves and l-adic Fourier Transform, Springer Verlag 2001 De Rham Kohomologie algebraischer Mannigfaltigkeiten über einem bewerteten Körper, Pub.

44. ADIC contributed to the achievement of Millennium Development Goals 1, 2, 4 and 6, including through the production and distribution of agricultural and fish products; programmes for 1,030 students in two schools; health care for 8,253 children under the age of 5 years in paediatric centres; psychosocial support for 2,669 persons with or affected by HIV/AIDS; and participation in the observance of International Women’s Day in 2014 and 2015, in which thousands of women took part.

45. You know that again this agreement was signed in January 2017 and it came to fruition in October when ADIA (Abu Dhabi Investment Agency) invested $1 billion as anchor investor in NIIF and after that not only they have become a partner of us in terms infrastructure development through NIIF but aslo they are encouraging other private investors as well other sovereign wealth funds in UAE, for example Mubadla, ADIC, so they are also coming up along with ADIA in various infrastructure development plans of ours.