theoretically in Vietnamese

xem theoretical

Sentence patterns related to "theoretically"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "theoretically" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "theoretically", or refer to the context using the word "theoretically" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Yeah, 5.3 miles, theoretically.

Đúng, về lý thuyết là 5,3 dặm.

2. Aquaculture could theoretically increase available area.

Về lý thuyết nuôi trồng thuỷ sản có thể gia tăng diện tích.

3. It is theoretically possible.

4. The universe is theoretically infinite.

5. corresponds theoretically to the true rake angle.

6. Democracy theoretically reaches out to embrace everyone.

Về mặt lý thuyết chế độ dân chủ mở rộng cho mọi người tham gia.

7. In this work d'Alembert theoretically explained refraction.

Trong tác phẩm, d'Alembert giải thích về mặt lý thuyết hiện tượng khúc xạ.

8. Theoretically, a line can extend into infinity.

9. Theoretically and empirically this emphasis is misplaced.

10. Theoretically this can carry on ad infinitum.

11. Theoretically, the idea was root out malingerers.


13. Theoretically, he can fold time as well.

Theo lí thuyết, anh ta có thể gấp khúc cả thời gian.

14. Well, yes, theoretically, says the Home Office.

15. A theoretically 'perfect' Ballcock would never close completely

16. 1.5.3. corresponds theoretically to the true rake angle.

17. Laura Rice introduced me to Gestalt psychotherapy theoretically.

18. Theoretically we could still win, but it's very unlikely.

19. Theoretically, the Cambium is a single layer of

20. Theoretically, each hog has a unique Cutout value

21. Theoretically, you could cure polio in an afternoon.

Về lý thuyết thì cháu có thể chữa hết bệnh bại liệt chỉ trong một buổi chiều.

22. The thesis uses the method theoretically and empirically.

23. The assumption is groundless both theoretically and empirically.

24. All of these factors may theoretically contribute to diarrhoea.

25. It's theoretically possible, but highly unlikely ever to happen.

26. Theoretically, capitalism should not have business cycles at all.

27. First, the Human Recourses " Equity Accounting system is designed theoretically. "

28. Even someone low on Von Willebrand's could theoretically clot.

Một người mắc Von Willebrand theo lí thuyết vẫn có thể bị đông máu.

29. Bibliopolically Bob sitting in the recovery? I theoretically own one

30. The Latin Kingdom continued to exist, theoretically, on the island of Cyprus.

Vương quốc Latin vẫn tiếp tục tồn tại, về mặt lý thuyết, trên đảo Síp.

31. Theoretically this may be true; but in real life incommensurables are commensurable.

32. Armillaria mellea (AM) is an adenosine A1 agonist which theoretically protects against ischemia.

33. laissez-faire French capital theoretically stricter than hardline Sudan in the fashion stakes.

34. Theoretically, the price is supposed to be marked on the shelf.

35. The debits and credits should theoretically balance out within a month.

36. Redesign, of course, is something they theoretically do all the time.

37. The angular departure of the actual secondary voltage from the theoretically correct position.

38. Stigler admitted that, theoretically speaking, monopolies were usually bad for society.

39. In an abstract manner, theoretically It is hard to think Abstractly in these conditions.

40. This paper compares the BER performances of them for white Gaussian noise channel theoretically.

41. It may be convenient to classify them as empirically and theoretically based

42. Therefore, an 11 percent flat rate theoretically would yield the same amount.

43. Na : Well , were the oaf to actually find and retrieve it, then yes, theoretically.

44. Quantum computers can theoretically outperform today's digital computers for more applications than previously thought.

45. Mathematical modelling can determine theoretically ideal laser variables for treating port wine stains.

46. Commie preferred lo-fi experimental electronic music, but theoretically anything was ok

47. Below the LEL or LFL, the air/contaminant mixture is theoretically too "lean" to burn.

48. The view of disaffirmation of the codification of administrative law is ungrounded theoretically and practically.

49. We model highly skilled human capital (both practically and theoretically) at Bulawayo Polytechnic.

50. 17 Theoretically, hypoxemic episodes during sleep apnea may predispose patients to oxidative stress.