theorize in Vietnamese

Nội Động từ
1. tạo ra lý thuyết về
2. nói lý luậ

Sentence patterns related to "theorize"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "theorize" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "theorize", or refer to the context using the word "theorize" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. 21 To theorize in advance of the facts biases one's judgment.

2. 2 It's easy to theorize about what might have happened.

3. Researchers theorize that there was once a common language for all humanity.

4. 18 They theorize that internal fat disrupts the body's communication systems.

5. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.

Đó là một sai lầm vốn để đưa ra giả thuyết trước ai có dữ liệu.

6. Their Walkpersons are in actuality radar sensors cleverly disguised, I theorize.

7. 24 Their Walkpersons are in actuality radar sensors cleverly disguised, I theorize.

8. 17 It is a grave mistake theorize before one has data.

9. 7 Officials theorize that the truck bottomed out, catching on the highway.

10. 9 Topic 2 It is a grave mistake to theorize before one has data.

11. 28 What's important is to get things done, not to theorize about them.

12. 1 Researchers theorize that there was once a common language for all humanity.

13. 20 It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.

14. 12 It is a grave mistake to theorize before one has data.

15. 25 But there are lots of different opinions about how to theorize it.

16. 10 The sleeping brain, they theorize,[] is vastly capable of synthesizing complex information.

17. Why do not archeologists theorize Hebrew or Egyptian linkages or influences in Mesoamerica?

18. 16 Some researchers theorize that calcium must be taken during exercise to be most effective.

19. 19 Why do not archeologists theorize Hebrew or Egyptian linkages or influences in Mesoamerica?

20. 13 Theorize formula of determining grinding media's size has not derived out so far. "

21. Researchers theorize that this is because of gender role of women as caregivers [ Source : Science Daily ].

22. 14 It's easy to sit around and theorize, but the reward is in the action.

23. 6 Those who theorize about how families work have an explanation that would apply to the Medlows.

24. 15 Researchers theorize that this is because of gender role of women as caregivers [ Source : Science Daily ].

25. 23 Nowhere is this paradox more apparent than in the attempts of philosophers to theorize about the self.

26. Anticipate definition: regard something as probable or likely synonyms: guess, take for granted, evaluate, theorize, theorise, opine, hypothecate, wait, look

27. 11 Researchers theorize that may help doom the transient orca pod at the top of the food chain.

28. 3 By studying the way people behave, we can theorize about what is going on in their mind.

29. Some modern historians theorize that Titus divorced his wife because of her family's connection to the conspiracy.

Một số nhà sử học hiện đại lý luận rằng Titus đã ly dị vợ vì mối liên quan của gia đình bà với âm mưu này.

30. Big Bluefish are at home over deep water, and anglers theorize that they are capable of trans-Atlantic crossings

31. Synonyms for Conceptualize include gestate, develop a thought, visualize mentally, hypothesise, hypothesize, theorise, theorize, abstract, intellectualise and intellectualize

32. 22 Unable to see beneath a volcano, researchers can only theorize about what causes the pulsing tremors they hear within it.

33. 26 Strindberg is also venerated as a progenitor of the expressionist theater, though he did explicitly theorize about expressionism as he did about naturalism.

34. 5 Rossignol and Phillis theorize that this pattern of caffeine use may reflect an unsuccessful attempt by the women to self-medicate with caffeine.

35. After Conceptualizing relationship marketing and discussing its ten forms, the authors (1) theorize that successful relationship marketing requires relationship commitment and trust, (2) model

36. Some theorize that embalming got its start when bodies were found preserved in natron (sodium carbonate), an alkali that is abundant in and around Egypt.

37. 8 Some neuroscientists theorize that folks who jump from one new relationship to another are biochemically "hooked" on the intoxication of falling in love.

38. 27 The unique political structures of late Middle AgesItaly have led some to theorize that its unusual social climate allowed the emergence of a rare cultural efflorescence .

39. The bird's beak was large and immensely powerful, leading some researchers to theorize that it was a herbivore that used its beak to shear through tough plant stalks.

Mỏ của loài chim này rộng và cực kì khỏe, vì thế các nhà nghiên cứu cho rằng nó là động vật ăn cỏ sử dụng mỏ cắt qua các thân cây cứng.

40. Researchers are n't sure yet exactly how soft drinks are causing the potassium deficiency ; they theorize that flooding the kidneys with caffeine and sugar causes them to filter out too much potassium from cells .

Các nhà khoa học chưa biết chính xác làm thế nào mà nước giải khát gây ra thiếu ka-li ; họ đưa ra giả thuyết rằng các loại nước đó làm thận bị ứ với cà-phê-in và đường khiến cho thận phải lọc ra quá nhiều ka-li từ các tế bào .

41. Scientists still do not understand exactly how it works, but they theorize that a high content of the amino acid alanine in these proteins helps to link “antifreeze” molecules with ice crystals in a way that keeps the crystals from growing.

42. Thomas Carlyle's pamphlet Chartism (1839), argued the need for reform by fanning these fears, though he later became increasingly hostile to democratic ideas in works like "Hudson's Statue" Historians theorize broadly about why this revolutionary movement died out just as the revolutions of 1848 were breaking out all over Europe, but from this