Theoretical epidemiology in Vietnamese

Dịch tễ học

Sentence patterns related to "Theoretical epidemiology"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "Theoretical epidemiology" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "Theoretical epidemiology", or refer to the context using the word "Theoretical epidemiology" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Epidemiology

Dịch tễ học

2. Emerging objectives and methods in epidemiology.

3. keeping abreast of developments in equine disease epidemiology

4. And nobody really knows what epidemiology is.

Thực sự, không ai biết dịch tễ học là gì.

5. Graduates of the Applied Epidemiology Training Program and the Cambodian Applied Veterinary Epidemiology Training Program, participated in 38 outbreak investigations between 2011 and 2018.

6. Epidemiology Although many different Brainstem stroke syndromes have

7. Key words: abruptio placentae; Canada; epidemiology; placenta diseases; pregnancy complications

8. Last week, Cogency’s Director of Epidemiology and Public Health Dr

9. Cancer epidemiology closely mirrors risk factor spread in various countries.

Dịch tễ học ung thư phản ánh sát sự phân bố yếu tố nguy cơ ở các nước khác nhau.

10. In studying diseases, epidemiology faces the challenge of defining them.

Trong nghiên cứu bệnh, dịch tễ học phải đối mặt với những thách thức trong việc định nghĩa bệnh.

11. The epidemiology of depression has been studied across the world.

Dịch tễ học trầm cảm đã được nghiên cứu nhiều trên toàn thế giới.

12. Accurate Ascertainment of disease endpoints is a key tenet of epidemiology

13. 3.3. keeping abreast of developments in foot-and-mouth disease epidemiology;

14. It's a theoretical possibility.

15. Theoretical and Professional Conceptualizations

16. Theoretical Conceptualisations of wellbeing

17. Objective To explore the epidemiology of meconium stained amniotic fluid peru - delivery.

18. Despite their overlaps, epidemiology and Biostatistics differ in several important ways:

19. This research is purely theoretical.

20. The microbiology, epidemiology, clinical features, and diagnosis of Bronchiolitis will be presented here.

21. Theoretical chemistry is the study of chemistry via fundamental theoretical reasoning (usually within mathematics or physics).

Hóa học lý thuyết là nghiên cứu hóa học thông qua lập luận lý thuyết cơ bản (thường là trong toán học hoặc vật lý).

22. These were not theoretical physicists.

Những người này không phải các nhà vật lý lý thuyết.

23. It's only a theoretical concept.

Đó chỉ là khái niệm giả thuyết.

24. It's only a theoretical possibility.

25. Radiation epidemiology investigates the effects on human health of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.