technocratic in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "technocratic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "technocratic" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "technocratic", or refer to the context using the word "technocratic" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The government of the conservative Prime Minister was replaced by the technocratic cabinet of Mario Monti.

Chính phủ bảo thủ được thay thế bằng nội các kỹ trị của Mario Monti.

2. For the past 20 years, it looked as if power was being shifted to a technocratic elite.

3. In language, these Blanknesses are created by technocratic euphemisms, Glomar responses, and whole pages’ worth of black-block redacted words

4. 8 The completely technocratic and amoral society emerges, able to manipulate anything but appreciate nothing; a desert of the mind.

5. Will we not be creating a technocratic and administrative monster, which yet again distances the average citizen from the decision-making process?

6. For all of the technocratic Blatherskite it generates, business theory gives little attention to the basic human interactions that make business a profoundly human enterprise

7. Technocratic Casteism of Indian Linkedin Professionals – by ‘Buffalo Intellectual’ On 30 June 2020, when the California regulators filed suit in the federal court against Cisco Systems Inc for caste discrimination against one of its employees by his… September 10, 2020 0

8. The Anthroponomist: The Moral Confusion of Environmentalism around the Notion of Anthropocentrism: View Paper Details: Technocratic EcoModernism or Critical Modernism and Public Ecology? Why the Ecomodernist Manifesto and 'the Good Anthropocene' is not Good Enough: View Paper Details: Towards a Habitability Approach within Environmental