perceived in Vietnamese

goại động từ
1. hiểu, nhận thức, lĩnh hội
2. thấy, trông thấy; nghe thấy, cảm thấy, ngửi thấy

Sentence patterns related to "perceived"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "perceived" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "perceived", or refer to the context using the word "perceived" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. That's the perceived value.

Đó là giá trị ảo mà mọi người nghĩ.

2. De Gaulle was perceived and perceived himself as the incarnation of both revolution and restoration.

3. She has perceived the danger.

4. 26 Noise, perceived control, perceived freshness and misunderstanding all discussed as possible causes for the apparent disjunction.

5. That rule is not easily perceived.

6. This reduces the perceived surface area.

7. You are perceived to accept his offer.

8. I perceived a change in his behaviour.

9. "Perceived intragroup homogeneity in minority-majority contexts".

“Tạo sự đồng thuận trong đồng bào các dân tộc thiểu số”.

10. He has now perceived his error.

11. Such fallacies are not easily perceived.

12. In colorimetry, metAmerism is a perceived matching

13. I perceived his comment as a challenge.

14. Ensure That Goals Are Perceived as Attainable.

15. The ambient noise is not consciously perceived.

16. Risks are perceived differently by different people.

17. He is perceived as a religious man.

18. He perceived what the shy little man wanted.

19. They perceived a stranger wandering in the garden.

20. His teachers perceived him as shy and introverted.

21. She perceived that all was not well.

22. Antecedences (i.e., subjective server response time and objective server r esponse time) to perceived usability, perceived strain, and commercial transactions (i.e

23. Anger is a natural response to perceived threats

24. We had already perceived how the temperature fluctuated.

25. Women's magazines are often perceived to be superficial.

26. They were widely perceived to have been unlucky.

27. Contrariety, in particular, can be perceived on three levels

28. 12 They perceived a stranger wandering in the garden.

29. We perceived a little girl coming toward us.

30. Bill perceived a tiny figure in the distance.

31. They perceived that they were unwelcome and left.

32. This discovery was perceived as a major breakthrough.

33. Craptacular meaning (UK, slang, vulgar) Intended to be perceived as spectacular, but actually perceived as extremely poor quality. Her essay was absolutely Craptacular.

34. The thief was perceived to steal into the house.

35. That morning, he perceived a change in Franca's mood.

36. The government was perceived to be inert and inefficient.

37. I perceived a note of unhappiness in her voice.

38. And therefore they're not perceived as a big loss.

Chính vì vậy chúng không được coi như là một sự mất mát to lớn

39. Aircraft noise is expressed for noise certification purposes in terms of the effective perceived noise level (EPNL) measured in effective perceived noise decibels (EPNdB).

40. At worst, they are perceived as insincere or dishonest.

41. Perceived by or spoken into the ear: an Auricular confession

42. He never submitted to jealousy or brooded over perceived slights.

Ông không phục tùng sự đố kỵ hay màng tới những lời xem thường.

43. Stocks perceived as safest in a bear market were mixed.

44. Perceived by or spoken into the ear: an Auricular confession

45. Stress is widely perceived as contributing to coronary heart disease.

46. The Backlashers react viscerally to perceived threats from open trade

47. Perceived through or resulting from the sense of hearing: Auditory hallucinations.

48. His plan was perceived by some to be against Feng Yuxiang.

Kế hoạch này được một số người cho là nhằm chống lại Phùng Ngọc Tường.

49. A science degree and artistic interests are often perceived as incompatible.

50. His arguments regarding perpendicular rays do not clearly explain why only perpendicular rays were perceived; why would the weaker oblique rays not be perceived more weakly?