perceptual in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "perceptual"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "perceptual" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "perceptual", or refer to the context using the word "perceptual" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Suit neuter to slant perceptual skin uses Gan Jimin.

2. Barcelona Images for Perceptual Edge Detection (Biped) Dataset---descriptions

3. By this age the brain controls very refined perceptual abilities.

Ở tuổi này, não có khả năng nhận thức rất tinh tế.

4. Some children have more finely trained perceptual skills than others.

5. The generally tense atmosphere also gave rise to perceptual errors.

6. Any cognitive activity seems to be dominated by the perceptual aspects.

7. Are UFOs alien spaceships, or perceptual cognitive mistakes, or even fakes?

UFO là đĩa bay ngoài hành tinh, nhầm lẫn giác quan, hay thậm chí là đồ giả?

8. Bifocals are appropriate for some binocular, oculomotor, accommodative and perceptual dysfunctions

9. Perceptual lossless compression of image data to reduce memory bandwidth and storage

10. An ambiguous image is open to multiple interpretations on a perceptual level.

11. If we were to assay her perceptual abilities, they would be crude.

Nếu kiểm tra thì khả năng nhận thức của bé còn đơn giản lắm.

12. Perceptual subband audio coding using adaptive multitype sparse vector quantization, and signal saturation scaler

13. The study will test several hypotheses about the relation between perceptual and cognitive skills.

14. The dance of our glances, the clash, pulling each other through our perceptual punctures,

Điệu nhảy của những cái liếc mắt, xung đột, kéo mỗi người qua lỗ hổng cảm xúc,

15. Perceptual abilities, motor speed, language, reasoning, and intelligence did not appear to be significantly altered.

16. We quickly forget that Chrominance is missing as our perceptual system depend primarily on luminance.

17. Child development, the growth of perceptual, emotional, intellectual, and behavioral capabilities and functioning during Childhood

18. Adaptation is considered to be the cause of perceptual phenomena like afterimages and the motion Aftereffect

19. We've seen perceptual shifts in the Mormon community that allow for talk of gender inequality.

Chúng tôi đã thấy được sự thay đổi nhận thức trong cộng đồng Mormon trong việc cho phép nói chuyện về bất bình đẳng giới.

20. Boring physics knowledge by perceptual out, a lot of girls immediately moved to snivel tears.

21. Perceptual and relative Colorimetric rendering intent Published on April 14, 2016 Updated on November 30, 2019

22. In the following, we consider the average discrepancy measured for Romantic Conductors as the perceptual tempo.

23. Afterimages are not ordinary public objects, but rather they arise as artefacts of individual perceptual systems

24. All this is quite generally true, it applies equally to motor skills, perceptual skills and social skills.

25. The capability for reasoning becomes increasingly logical and less subject to influence by apparent perceptual contradictions.

26. An audio frequency signal is quantified in a CELP-type encoder or the like using perceptual weighting.

27. Children's talk indicates to the gifted teacher the intellectual and perceptual level which each child has reached.

28. Previous evidence has shown that fluent braille involves a number of subsidiary perceptual, cognitive and manual skills.

29. Augmented reality, as the name suggests, augments the real world around us with computer-generated perceptual information

30. They had observers performing an Attentionally demanding perceptual task (e.g., which of the two lines is longer?)

31. The derived measures may be used in various applications including adaptive bit allocation in perceptual coding systems.

32. Difficulty with writing and penmanship is often a result of motor-planning trouble or perceptual motor challenges.

33. This paper proposes two kinds of complex-valued Profit Sharing algorithm for learning in environments involving perceptual Aliasings

34. In this next exercise, we'll challenge you to think more about this CIE Chromaticity diagram, and perceptual uniformity

35. The narrator is a figure in transit trying to live in a perceptual present which avoids fixed relations.

36. Recognizing the internalized self-image of the counsellee is an important perceptual skill in arriving at a working hypothesis.

37. It is already clear, however, that the notion of acquired distinctiveness is of central importance in discussions of perceptual learning.

38. I do not believe that this perceptual process is either universal or immutable, but it is ubiquitous and extremely potent.

39. An Aura is a perceptual disturbance experienced by some with epilepsy or migraine.An epileptic Aura is in fact a seizure

40. Explicit symmetry judgements require a subsequent stage of attending to perceptual figures, at which the patient neglects left-sided information.

41. A child presented with a visual stimulus tends to center or fix attention on a limited perceptual aspect of the stimulus.

42. 13 It is already clear, however, that the notion of acquired distinctiveness is of central importance in discussions of perceptual learning.

43. The patient with perceptual problems may be treated by the physiotherapist and the occupational therapist simultaneously, to help his overall awareness.

44. Of Mannequins and Men: Ascriptions of Mind in Faces Are Bounded by Perceptual and Processing Similarities to Human Faces Jason C

45. What does Agnosticism mean? The doctrine that certainty about first principles or absolute truth is unattainable and that only perceptual phenomena

46. His perceptual difficulties may make it impossible for him to recognize you and his immediate family or your relationship with him.

47. The extent to which situational similarity on the perceptual side corresponds with similarity in the behavioural reports indicates individual consistency across situations.

48. Specific clinical applications will include migraine and headache aphasias, agnosias, perceptual disorders, neglect syndromes, dementias (including organic brain syndrome) and developmental disorders.

49. Well, w-w-when an alligator stabs a ref, no one is thinking about the inherent limitations of their own perceptual systems.

50. This is a complete liberation of the brain from the physical constraints of the body and the motor in a perceptual task.

Đây là sự giải phóng hoàn toàn não bộ khỏi sự kìm kẹp của cơ thể và thần kinh trong một bài tập tri giác