overseeing in Vietnamese

goại động từ
oversaw, overseen
1. trông nom, giám thị
2. quan sát

Sentence patterns related to "overseeing"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "overseeing" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "overseeing", or refer to the context using the word "overseeing" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Dr Foreman's overseeing your case.

Bác sĩ Foreman sẽ lo ca này.

2. Now he has redeemed himself in overseeing her recovery.

3. Albert was standing in the vestibule overseeing the logistics.

4. DeConcini also chaired the Senate appropriations subcommittee overseeing Customs' budget.

5. 3 Albert was standing in the vestibule overseeing the logistics.

6. Archangel Ariel is charged with overseeing the natural world

7. Futures Commission Merchants are responsible for overseeing customer margin accounts.

Các thương nhân ủy thác hợp đồng tương lai chịu trách nhiệm giám sát các tài khoản biên khách hàng.

8. We have full-time safety professionals overseeing every Creamer project

9. It includes all aspects of overseeing and supervising business operations.

Nó bao gồm mọi khía cạnh của giám sát và giám sát hoạt động kinh doanh.

10. (b) What separating work is Jesus overseeing, with what outstanding result?

b) Giê-su đang giám thị công việc phân chia nào, và với kết quả đặc biệt nào?

11. Rutherford, who was overseeing the work of Jehovah’s Witnesses at that time.

Rutherford, người giám sát công việc của Nhân Chứng Giê-hô-va vào thời đó.

12. Preparing sittings files and overseeing the issuing of Chamber access passes;

13. Fausta worked at overseeing and improving service and delivery at NHLQATC.

Fausta làm việc giám sát và cải thiện dịch vụ và giao hàng tại NHLQATC.

14. Our service also includes devising wider brand strategies, advertising and overseeing marketing research.

15. A married couple approached the brother overseeing a Kingdom Hall construction site.

16. Since 2006, he has been responsible for overseeing Cuba's international education programs.

Từ năm 2006, ông chịu trách nhiệm giám sát các chương trình giáo dục quốc tế của Cuba.

17. I am overseeing the construction of a broadcasting center in the Free Zone.

18. They're overseeing the bulk of the government contracts for the West Side reconstruction.

19. In 2007 Viviana went to work overseeing imports for a supermarket in Manaus.

Vào năm 2007, Viviana làm công việc giám thị việc nhập cảng cho một siêu thị ở Manaus.

20. Frank had served in London in intelligence, overseeing spies and running covert operations.

Frank gia nhập đơn vị tình báo ở London, giám sát các điệp viên và phụ trách các nhiệm vụ bí mật.

21. Edwin Skinner was overseeing the work of the India branch at that time.

Lúc bấy giờ anh Edwin Skinner đang giám sát công việc ở chi nhánh Ấn Độ.

22. Under the Army BArracks Management Program (ABMP), military units are responsible for overseeing bArracks

23. Feigning reluctance, he accepted a ten-year responsibility of overseeing provinces that were considered chaotic.

Giả vờ miễn cưỡng, ông chấp nhận gánh vác trách nhiệm giám sát các tỉnh được coi là hỗn loạn trong mười năm.

24. We continued to contort our limbs into improbable postures when Vincente was directly overseeing us.

25. Sir Jeremy Greenstock has been overseeing the implementation of Security Council resolution # most ably

26. Synonyms for Chairing include directing, leading, managing, conducting, controlling, moderating, overseeing, running, guiding and presiding over

27. In each country, an American contractor is currently overseeing two trained companies in surveying and demining.

28. Is the private, nonprofit corporation overseeing the planning and execution of the Atlanta Beltline project

29. The MCO should take a more active role in overseeing the bank account with Madagascar.

30. The Supervisory Board is actively working off-campus and overseeing MGIMO’s economic, administrative and organisation activities.

31. In each country, an American contractor is currently overseeing two trained companies in surveying and demining

32. New Orleans now has one elected tax assessor - instead of seven, each overseeing his own fief.

33. A funeral Celebrant is a qualified person who officiates funeral services by planning and overseeing funeral proceedings

34. An Armarian is a monk or priest charged with the overseeing of a library or scriptorium

35. Among his tasks was overseeing the demobilization of the troops who had been fighting in France.

36. Often, Conveyancers are involved in overseeing transactions in real estate and ensure the legality of the transactions

37. Brewster Kahle, an archivist overseeing another scanning project, says that the universal library is now within reach.

38. I hear at least two of them are overseeing up in Gatlinburg, but I don't know where.

Nghe nói ít nhất có 2 đứa đang làm cai ở Gatlinburg, nhưng tôi không rõ chỗ nào.

39. A nurse Clinician is a position that revolves around overseeing a department within a hospital or nursing home

40. You’re overseeing the delivery of crucial supplies to a rebel base deep in the heart of enemy territory.

Bạn đang giám sát việc vận chuyển những mặt hàng thiết yếu tới căn cứ nằm sâu trong lòng địch.

41. Often, Conveyancers are involved in overseeing transactions in real estate and ensure the legality of the transactions

42. Apter is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day management and financial well being of the company

43. It is charged with overseeing the 12 District Reserve Banks and with helping implement national monetary policy.

44. • overseeing the Department's finances, investment management, real estate, asset management, security, corporate planning and accountability reporting regimes;

45. In 19 he made it to the director's chair, overseeing aschlocky horror picture, Piranha II: The Spawning.

46. Multiple Annunciators overseeing the same transfer switch can be placed in different locations, allowing redundant, distributed monitoring and

47. As adjectives the difference between superintendent and Administrant is that superintendent is overseeing; superintending while Administrant is administrating.

48. This is in keeping with the Multiculturalism Program's commitment to overseeing cross-government implementation of the Multiculturalism Act.

49. (a) Coordinating and overseeing the implementation of the regional monitoring plan, taking into account the work already achieved;

50. The loss of genetic materials was generational and therefore went unperceived by the priests and priestesses overseeing ascension.