out-of-town in Vietnamese

tính từ
từ thành phố khác, từ thị trấn khác

Sentence patterns related to "out-of-town"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "out-of-town" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "out-of-town", or refer to the context using the word "out-of-town" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. No, get out of town.

Không, ra khỏi thành phố mà.

2. She lives way out of town.

3. We're due for some out-of-town guests.

Đến hạn trả nợ mấy vị khách ngoài thị trấn ấy mà.

4. Fat chance, I be out of town tomorrow.

5. The police are covering all road out of town.

6. They live on the main road out of town.

7. Barbara is out of town on business this week.

8. Somebody who ships out of town, deals only in bulk.

Người sẽ đưa hàng khỏi thành phố, và chỉ bán sỉ.

9. We will get out of town, but we're gonna shave.

Ta sẽ rời khỏi thành phố, nhưng ta sẽ cạo râu.

10. 11 They live on the main road out of town.

11. Curt was out... out of town on business that week.

12. There was a steep climb on the road out of town.

13. His parents are out of town, or he calls, Says he's ok.

Gia đình cậu bé rời khỏi thị trấn, hoặc cậu bé gọi nói ổn cả.

14. She was out of town the same week that the ledger disappeared?

15. • After hours or out of town trips must be booked in advanced.

16. I'm afraid Robin and I are on our way out of town.

17. Because the Lisas were out of town the day of your accident.

Bởi vì nhà Lisa đi du lịch vào ngày anh gặp tai nạn.

18. The sheriff and his men ran the horse thieves out of town.

19. Whether you're out of town or attend Calvary Church Online, you can

20. So you and your boys get out of town by morning, understand?

Cho nên anh và mấy anh bạn của anh rời khỏi thị trấn ngay sáng mai, hiểu chưa?

21. Democrats figure Newt feels safer if potential troublemakers are out of town.

22. And then these two boys come in from out of town asking questions.

Và rồi hai gã này từ ngoài thị trấn và hỏi han đủ kiểu.

23. We chose to live out of town and commute to work every day.

24. No American should have to drive out of town to breathe clean air.

25. It used to be that a business could slink out of town quietly.

26. Instead of powdering out of town right away, I bought some new clothes.

27. After having been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence.

28. Suspected abolitionists were tarred, feathered, and run out of town; antislavery literature was burned.

29. The doctor instructed him to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence.

30. As for her previous plan, John says he saw Tilney driving out of town.

31. 3 We chose to live out of town and commute to work every day.

32. William's parents were out of town, and he overslept, waking when Bridey called him.

33. If you’re headed out of town, explore our travel Backpacks before hitting the road

34. After having Been instructed to drive out of town, I Began to acquire confidence.

35. A : Drop it in the mail box marked " Out of town " at that corner.

36. Our billets were about a mile out of town, in a row of farm cottages.

37. And many citizens have actually decided to pull up stakes and get out of town.

Và rất nhiều người dân đã quyết định thu gom đồ đạc.., và rời khỏi thành phố.

38. They forced their way inside, broke up our meeting, and drove us out of town.

Họ xông vào trong, làm gián đoạn buổi nhóm và đuổi chúng tôi ra khỏi thị trấn.

39. Bevers’ husband was on an out-of-town trip at the time of the murder

40. In lieu of real out-of-town travel,[sentencedict .com] Kingfisher fills the bill nicely.

41. They wanted to move out of town and start a new life in the country.

42. 9 Once we hit the road out of town, a sign suddenly announced the concert.

43. They also said less well-off consumers without cars are losing as superstores move out of town.

44. Out-of-town guests, flat tires, or even an occasional impulse purchase are pretty hard to plan for.

45. You get out of town, and you don't come back, or the next bullet goes in your eye.

Cút ra khỏi thị trấn, và đừng quay lại, hoặc là lần sau mày sẽ ăn kẹo đồng đấy.

46. A glitzy new "Golden Sands" nightclub is a new attraction that brings rich visitors from out of town.

"Golden Sands" là một câu lạc bộ đêm và là một điểm thu hút mới nhằm thu hút du khách giàu có.

47. 14 . Planning policies enabled more dispersed patterns of development , such as out - of - town shopping , leisure and office developments .

48. It’s not a Coincidence my husband’s flirtatious ex-wife went to visit him while I was out of town

49. When he stays out of town, he frequently checks into deluxe hotels that charge hundreds of dollars a night.

50. And even suspicious, now, because Giuliani had agreed so easily to find a way out of town for Sandoz.