outposts in Vietnamese

danh từ
1. (quân sự) tiền đồn
2. (Mỹ) đơn vị đóng ở tiền đồn
3. (Mỹ) nơi định cư ở biên giới

Sentence patterns related to "outposts"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "outposts" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "outposts", or refer to the context using the word "outposts" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Diplomatic and intelligence outposts in Benghazi, Libya

2. Lothar destroys three outposts in the Black Morass.

3. Ambuscades & Affairs of Outposts. A KPS expansion

4. Air raids and bombardment of military outposts and important centres

5. Cut off from Krypton, these outposts withered and died long ago.

Tách ra khỏi Krypton, những tiền đồn này dần héo tàn và chết từ lâu.

6. Before his invasion, Parliamentarian forces held only outposts in Dublin and Derry.

Trước khi Cromwell đưa quân vào, các lực lượng của nghị viện Anh chỉ chiếm các tiền đồn ở Dublin và Derry.

7. Secondly, there are Conquerable stations (now in all aspects the same as Outposts, but with a different history, since CCP placed them a few years ago before players could build outposts)

8. He came to power as Prime Minister just as the Blitzkrieg descended upon Britain's outposts.

9. The Norwegian Meteorological Institute has outposts at Bjørnøya and Hopen, with respectively ten and four people stationed.

Viện Khí tượng Na Uy có các tiền đồn tại Bjørnøya và Hopen, với lần lượt mười và bốn người làm việc.

10. Typically, pirates can find Resource Barrels on Outposts, Islands, Seaposts, Shipwrecks or even floating in the Ocean

11. Then Basque and Portuguese mariners established seasonal whaling and fishing outposts along the Atlantic coast in the early 16th century.

Các thủy thủ người Basque và người Bồ Đào Nha thiết lập các tiền đồn săn bắt cá voi và cá dọc theo vùng duyên hải Đại Tây Dương của Canada vào đầu thế kỷ XVI.

12. Additional forces were sent to these frontier outposts to give them protection insofar as limited resources would permit.

13. Advance units quickly moved against rebel outposts under cover of the bombardment and moved artillery closer as forward positions were secured.

14. The outnumbered and inferiorly armed companies resisted as well as they could, but by evening, all outposts were in German hands.

Các đại đội Hà Lan bị yếu thế về số lượng và trang bị vũ khí đã kháng cự hết mức có thể, nhưng đến tối, tất cả các đồn bốt này đã nằm trong tay quân Đức.

15. "Barbican" is the name of fortified outposts that protect the gate of a castle or a walled city

16. The Japanese were concentrated in Iloilo City proper, and the 40th Division easily swept these Japanese outposts in two days.

Quân Nhật co cụm ở trong thành phố Iloilo, và Sư đoàn 40 dễ dàng quét những căn cứ Nhật chỉ trong vòng hai ngày.

17. At first the outposts were merely summer camps, but from the early 1630s, a few individuals started to overwinter.

Ban đầu, các tiền đồn này chỉ đơn thuần là các trại mùa hè, song từ đầu thập niên 1630, một vài cá nhân đã qua đông tại đó.

18. 1 Inhabitants 1.1 Minor Outposts 1.2 Ancient Locations 1.3 Homeless Spawns 2 Environment 2.1 Weather 2.2 Gallery 3 Tips There are no Major Towns in The Crags

19. So, Aurists travel around, establish communities, which link back to older trading outposts, hopscotching around frontiers and other loosely settled places

20. From the barren, lonely outposts at the poles to the steamy jungles of the equator, you can find a pack of cards.

21. Other articles where Canaliculus is discussed: human digestive system: Microscopic anatomy: …perforated by small channels, called canaliculi, that are the terminal outposts of the biliary system, receiving bile from the hepatocyte

22. At some outposts, black Artillerymen took up rifles and fought alongside the infantry, in one case beating off a German attack and inflicting serious casualties

23. They cooperated in guarding the trade routes through central Asia, and both built outposts in border areas to keep caravans safe from nomadic tribes and bandits.

Họ hợp tác trong việc bảo vệ các tuyến đường thương mại xuyên qua Trung Á, và cùng xây những tiền đồn trong khu vực biên giới để giữ cho các đoàn lữ hành an toàn khỏi các bộ lạc du mục và kẻ cướp.

24. In much of the underpopulated west, however, they replace the major airlines on quite long routes to the small urban outposts on prairies, plains and deserts.

25. 1 Inhabitants 1.1 Minor Outposts 1.2 Ancient Locations 1.2.1 Aesthetic Ruins 1.3 Homeless Spawns 2 Environment 2.1 Weather 2.2 Gallery 3 Tips 4 Trivia Arach has no Major Towns

26. Adroitly slipping past the insurgent outposts, the column reached Prince Albert, where they learned that looting had already begun and attacks on Prince Albert and Fort Carlton were imminent.

27. This Anglocentric world view means that when I have filmed in Malaysia on garden design, producers have made an enormous effort to find the few remaining outposts of …

28. At about half past three in the morning of the 11th, German artillery started shelling the outposts, followed at dawn by an attack by two battalions of Der Fuehrer.

Vào khoảng 3 giờ rưỡi sáng ngày 11, pháo binh Đức bắt đầu bắn phá các đồn bốt này, tiếp đó vào lúc bình minh 2 tiểu đoàn thuộc sư đoàn Der Führer liền tấn công.

29. The word Chowkidar is derived from the Urdu word chauki, which essentially means one of the four outposts on the periphery of a village that guard it from intruders and dacoits

30. Other articles where Canaliculus is discussed: human digestive system: Microscopic anatomy: …perforated by small channels, called Canaliculi, that are the terminal outposts of the biliary system, receiving bile from the hepatocyte

31. By the early 18th century, with the lines between commercial and political dominance being increasingly blurred, a number of European trading companies, including the English East India Company, had established coastal outposts.

Đầu thế kỷ XVIII, khi mà ranh giới giữa thống trị thương mại và chính trị ngày càng bị lu mờ, một số công ty mậu dịch phương Tây, bao gồm Công ty Đông Ấn Anh, thiết lập nên các tiền đồn ven biển.

32. Application Load Balancer (Alb) supports AWS Outposts, a fully managed service that extends AWS infrastructure, services, and tools to virtually any datacenter, co-location space, or on-premises facility for a truly consistent hybrid experience

33. On paper , the Centre is the boss of all cadre officers and is free to summon them to its direct command from all outposts , no matter how hostile or protective their regional satraps are .

34. The Branaghian film nevertheless deviates from the Shakespearean play by: inventing a prologue which situates the governmental overthrow by ninja warriors during a Kabuki theatre performance; and setting events in British outposts within nineteenth-century Japan.

35. They are fortified outposts or gateways, typically forming the outer defence to a fortified city or castle, (The Barbican in London marks the site of a Barbican defending an important entrance to the City of London)

36. 25 I put a Town Center, some Outposts, and some units in that area and set up a killing zone that automatically mowed down the attacking force time after time with little effort on my part.

37. At this point the British had still made no attempts to establish outposts or control over the Aksai Chin, nor was the issue ever discussed with the governments of China or Tibet, and the boundary remained undemarcated at India's independence.

Lúc này, người Anh vẫn không có nỗ lực nào để lập các tiền đồn hoặc kiểm soát Aksai Chin, cũng chưa từng thảo luận vấn đề với chính phủ Trung Quốc hay Tây Tạng, và biên giới vẫn chưa được phân định khi Ấn Độ độc lập.