nationalism in Vietnamese

Danh từ
1. chủ nghĩa dân tộc
2. phong trào dân tộc chủ nghĩa

Sentence patterns related to "nationalism"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "nationalism" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nationalism", or refer to the context using the word "nationalism" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. He Argues persuasively against nationalism

2. Burbling Chemicals & Christian Nationalism

3. Nationalism can be a serious disease.

4. Croatian nationalism is the nationalism that asserts the nationality of Croats and promotes the cultural unity of Croats.

Chủ nghĩa dân tộc Croatia là chủ nghĩa dân tộc khẳng định quốc tịch của người Croats và thúc đẩy sự thống nhất văn hoá của người Croatia.

5. Society, Nationalism and Mobs: Jung’s Sociological Clumsinesses

6. He refuses to endorse Africanism or nationalism.

7. How does nationalism relate to human survival?

8. Nationalism was rapidly becoming a dangerous force.

9. President Cyril Ramaphosa Bemoans rise of nationalism

10. False religion, spiritism, and nationalism mislead people

Tôn giáo giả, ma thuật và lòng ái quốc đánh lừa người ta

11. Nationalism is an immensely powerful force.

12. Amously saying “Nationalism is an infantile disease

13. Amhara nationalism should cultivate and exploit these

14. 22 Nationalism is an immensely powerful force.

15. It is kind of nationalism as internationalism.

16. The history of war, nationalism and revolutions.

17. Now, China wants to tamp such nationalism down.

18. Among these symbols are those associated with nationalism.

19. The novel is really a dissection of nationalism.

20. Nationalism is a poison that has caused much suffering.

21. There is no tribalism or divisive nationalism among them.

Giữa họ không có tinh thần bộ lạc hoặc chủ nghĩa quốc gia gây chia rẽ.

22. The rise of Filipino nationalism was slow, but inevitable.

Sự nổi lên của chủ nghĩa dân tộc Philippines là chậm chạp nhưng không thể tránh khỏi.

23. Maxime Rodinson discusses the nature of Arab nationalism.

24. 30 Nationalism was rapidly becoming a dangerous force.

25. The conflict between nationalism and socialism aligned different classes.

26. I think we'd better leave the subject of Nationalism.

27. Under his leadership, a strong sense of nationalism emerged.

28. Nakasone's political thought is a complicated mixture which is deeply impacted by Conservatism, Nationalism , Neo-conservatism, forming a japanesque. Neo-conservatism and Neo-nationalism.

29. By the mid-1960s, a new nationalism was emerging.

Đến giữa thập niên 1960, tại Úc xuất hiện một chủ nghĩa dân tộc mới.

30. The country was gripped by a frenzy of nationalism.

31. The military parade was a display of bellicose nationalism.

32. Undeniably , this is the root of Chinese patriotism and nationalism .

Rõ ràng đây là cội nguồn của lòng yêu nước và chủ nghĩa dân tộc của Trung Hoa .

33. During this time, ethnic tensions were raised and nationalism grew.

Trong thời kỳ này, căng thẳng sắc tộc gia tăng và chủ nghĩa dân tộc phát triển.

34. Franz Joseph was troubled by nationalism during his entire reign.

Franz Joseph I bị chủ nghĩa dân tộc ám ảnh trong suốt thời trị vì của ông.

35. Out goes secularism and economic reform; in comes Hindu nationalism.

36. 20 The conflict between nationalism and socialism aligned different classes.

37. His speech presented racist ideas under the guise of nationalism.

38. So he made one of the main tasks of his life the welding of ' Muslim Nationalism ' and ' Hindu Nationalism ' into the common Indian nationhood .

39. There are two serious faults in Hobsbawm's discussion of nationalism.

40. Is the printing press really responsible for the rise of nationalism?

41. In 19 Los Angeles was all Hollywood pizzazz and exuberant nationalism.

42. Cosmopolitanism became difficult to disentangle from its overtones of anti - nationalism.

43. Amhara nationalism is in fact forced on Amharas" (, 12,8,2016)

44. Xenophobic nationalism is on the rise in some West European countries.

45. "Russian Nationalism and the Divided Soul of the Westernizers and Slavophiles".

“Chủ nghĩa dân tộc Nga và linh hồn chia rẽ của người phương Tây và người Slavophiles”.

46. Boer nationalism merely erected a massive legislative panoply for racial discrimination.

47. Today God Himself is work - ing in the shape of nationalism .

48. Nationalism soared after the victory at the Battle of New Orleans.

Chủ nghĩa dân tộc đã tăng vọt sau khi chiến thắng trong trận New Orleans.

49. Afrikaner nationalism, apartheid, and Afrikaner identity were, for many years, practically inseparable.

50. The creation of independent states has led to a resurgence of nationalism.