nation-state in Vietnamese

danh từ
quốc gia độc lập

Sentence patterns related to "nation-state"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "nation-state" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nation-state", or refer to the context using the word "nation-state" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The origin of the nation-state idea is unclear.

2. France is the archetype of the centralized nation-state.

3. Bevatron is a citizen of the mutant nation-state of Krakoa

4. Some argue that Japan is an example of a nation-state.

5. Modern political philosophy locates all legitimacy in the modern nation-state.

6. Commonwealth definition is - a nation, state, or other political unit: such as

7. Croatia (Hrvatska) is an ancient nation, yet a very young nation state.

8. The first is this: that China is not really a nation-state.

Điều đầu tiên là, Trung Quốc không thật sự là một quốc gia dân tộc thuần túy

9. 11 Modern political philosophy locates all legitimacy in the modern nation-state.

10. Finally, we will provide for a vision of multiethnic nation - state in Taiwan.

11. So identity was primarily defined by ethnicity, and the nation- state reflected that.

Vậy nhân dạng được định nghĩa đơn thuần bởi chủng tộc, và liên bang thể hiện điều này.

12. The idea of development is married to the idea of the nation-state.

13. So identity was primarily defined by ethnicity, and the nation-state reflected that.

Vậy nhân dạng được định nghĩa đơn thuần bởi chủng tộc, và liên bang thể hiện điều này.

14. For most of us, France is the archetype of the centralized nation-state.

15. European union is seen as a threat to the sovereignty of the nation state.

16. One example of the duplicity of this rhetoric of inevitability concerns the nation state.

17. This has made the idea of a pan-Arab nation-state increasingly less feasible and likely.

Điều này biến ý tưởng về một quốc gia-dân tộc liên Ả Rập ngày càng ít khả thi.

18. Integration poses a fundamental challenge to the nation-state and to the traditional models of global politics.

19. The nation-state holds, but nationalist mentalities are a constant threat to regional economic and political stability.

20. Mass culture also seemed to blur social distinctions, override nation-state boundaries, and spread the capitalist marketplace.

21. On the one hand they are rebuilding in Berlin the grandiose capital of a restored nation state.

22. Someone will immediately bring up South Africa, but that nation-state and its experiences were profoundly different.

23. Second semester: Renaissance and Reformation, the Enlightenment, and the rise of the nation-state and modern warfare.

24. Nation - state is the outcome of globalization, and also the most important propellent in the process of globalization.

25. Despite the need for countries to be more flexible with their sovereignty, the nation-state is alive and well.

26. The Prime Minister argued strongly against any form of federalism that would undermine the sovereignty of the nation-state.

27. The nation state, particularly in the third world and the erstwhile Eastern bloc, is the agent of global capital.

28. The individual nation state is often therefore presented as a self-contained unit, analytically prior to its international relations.

29. Tribal Animosities have always been part of our history, either between antagonistic countries or enemies within each nation-state

30. We believe in direct democracy, delegates over representatives, and Bioregionalism as an alternative framework for capitalism and the nation state

31. Both the biological basic needs and the political requirements of a nation-state cause nationalism to interweave with territory problems.

32. Apologias for the nation-state in Western Europe since 1800 Stefan Berger / Mark Donovan / Kevin Passmore (Eds.): Writing National Histories

33. The central idea remains, however, that cultures and societies do not necessarily overlap with the boundaries of the nation-state.

34. A Constituency is the portion of a nation, state, or locality represented by a particular elected official or other political leader

35. The current awareness that the modern nation-state has become severely strained, or even ineffectual, has evoked a range of responses.

36. The first third of the book is a sustained polemic against the myth of competitiveness when applied to the nation state.

37. Adware isn't the powerful and deeply invasive malware that nation-state hackers specially craft for tailored reconnais­sance or intimidation

38. If these interests are to gain universal recognition, we will need to shed the nation-state myth once and for all.

39. Because I think the Net fundamentally undermines the continued existence of the nation-state, which is already past its economic usefulness.

40. This didn't ring the alarm bells that a nation-state was trying to interfere with the credibility of another's internal affairs.

Điều này không gióng lên hồi chuông rằng các quốc gia đã cố gắng tác động với sự tín nhiệm của những tranh chấp nội bộ.

41. Again, that's a nation-state who is executing those attacks, and they're doing that as a semi-anonymous way of reprisal.

Để tôi nhắc lại, tổ chức này hiện đang và sẽ thực hiện những cuộc tấn công như một cách trả đũa bán-vô danh.

42. There was never a time when any more than a handful of eccentrics advocated the establishment of a separate black nation-state.

43. One is that the nation-state system of notional equality between countries fails to recognise that some are more equal than others.

44. Body politics Tracing Debility and Webbing Resistance to State Violence through Crip Epistemologies Using Puar’s line of analysis, we can trace how debilitating trauma can become a tool of the nation-state that creates racialized “mad people”: unruly, distressed, unbecoming, disposable in the eyes of the nation-state, yet necessary in

45. Decolonization was associated with the spread of ideologies of national self-determination and ultimately the near-universality of the sovereign nation-state.

46. The period is characterised by the rise to importance of science and increasingly rapid technological progress, secularised civic politics and the nation state.

Thời kỳ này có đặc điểm ở sự nổi lên quan trọng của khoa học và sự phát triển ngày càng nhanh của kỹ thuật, chính trị dân sự thế tục và quốc gia.

47. The Confederates built an explicitly white-supremacist, pro-slavery, and Antidemocratic nation-state, dedicated to the principle that all men are not created equal.

48. Finally, it analyzes briefly four theories including liberalism, mercantile system , Neo-Marxism, Eco-feminism from the perspective of nation-state and market in IPE.

49. Territory held today by a given nation-state in the past likely belonged to a different political entity(sentence dictionary), one with other descendents.

50. Airmail services were set up to accelerate postal communication within a country, indeed, the routes invariably encompassed the capital city of a particular nation state.