intensities in Vietnamese

danh từ
1. độ mạnh, cường độ
2. sức mạnh; tính mãnh liệt, tính dữ dội
3. sự xúc cảm mãnh liệt

Sentence patterns related to "intensities"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "intensities" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "intensities", or refer to the context using the word "intensities" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. This affects the relative intensities of the resonances.

2. With illumination intensities between 52 000 and 4 000 Lux the decrease in brightness of the aboral region is significantly faster at lower intensities.

3. In other words, emissions intensities were converted into absolute emissions reductions.

4. Led lighting apparatus capable of adjusting ratio of intensities of radiation

5. Based on intensities of the signals, ratios of analyte abundances can be determined.

6. Note: The fluorescence intensities of plastid nucleoids are expressed by their mean values.

7. The intensities shall be measured with the filament lamp(s) continuously alight.

8. Autonomical and Hemodynamic Repercussions on Excentric Resistance in Different Intensities With Blood Flow Restriction

9. In general the intensities shall be measured with the light source(s) continuously alight

10. (v) Compilation of observed parameters, monitoring methodologies and intensities of effects-oriented activities;

11. Measurement uncertainties for acoustic quantities (power, pressure, intensities, center frequency) should be provided.

12. 16). How the phase angle increases is given byone factor for all intensities.

13. The complexities of language offer several variations and intensities of the word hope.

Những phức tạp của ngôn ngữ mang đến vài sự thay đổi và cường độ của từ hy vọng.

14. The observed line intensities were corrected for water vapour absorption using a new technique.

15. The amplitudes of the evoked potentials at medium and low signal intensities are not changed.

16. There is only few information about the most effective training intensities, frequencies and trainings duration.

17. Its XRD pattern is similar to that of Boehmite but the relative intensities of the peaks differ.

18. Least squares refinement resulted inR=0.061 for 409 photometric intensities, andR=0.131 for all 853 observedhkl-reflexions.

19. Different maximum aid intensities will apply depending on whether or not recipients are actually disadvantaged workers

20. The calculation at the B3LYP level gives a better fit between the observed and calculated absolute IR intensities.

21. Face.* analytical _exptl_Absorpt_process_details 'based on measured indexed crystal faces, Bruker SHELXTL2014 (Sheldrick, 2014)' #explanation: empirical from intensities

22. 13 Traditional color constancy algorithms can only handle the images which intensities are linear with the scene reflected illuminations.

23. Chapter 3 thus contains parameters in respect of the aided activity, aid intensities and conditions attached to compatibility.

24. Hurricanes Camille, Mitch, and Dean share intensities for the seventh strongest Atlantic hurricane at 905 mbar (hPa; 26.73 inHg).

Cơn bão Camille, Mitch và Dean chia sẻ cường độ cho cơn bão mạnh nhất thứ bảy ở Đại Tây Dương với 905 mbar (hPa, 26,73 inHg).

25. An aid intensity of #,# % is comparable with aid intensities admissible under the environmental aid guidelines or the regional aid guidelines

26. An extension of the CRYSTAL program is presented allowing for calculations of Anharmonic infrared (IR) intensities and Raman activities for periodic systems

27. Aileron This section experiences high load intensities, and is driven by stiffness constraints to prevent flutter and to ensure Aileron control effectiveness

28. The ABR evoked by vibratory and acoustical click stimulation were recorded in 20 subjects with normal hearing at four different stimulus intensities.

29. The user can release/use Benefic energy to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc

30. The amount of retained Austenite is calculated using the direct comparison method and the ratio of two Austenite and two martensite diffraction peak intensities

31. Colorimetric photometer definition is - a photometer measuring light intensities for several spectral regions by means of filters successively interposed in the path of the light.

32. The integrated intensities of the Austenite and martensite diffraction peaks are measured on our custom-designed diffractometers, providing four Austenite/martensite peak intensity ratios.

33. Tone pips of suprathreshold intensities elicit an acoustic nerve response (I) and six low amplitude brainstem potentials (II–VII) during the initial 10 ms.

34. The assignment of the absorption bands was made by comparing the observed transition energies and intensities with the theoretical results obtained by the LCAO-SCF-CI-method.

35. With increasing frequencies the amplitude of the first b-wave increased depending on the total quantity of light per time unit, as long as submaximal intensities were used.

36. From measurements of the absolute intensities of this transient radiation, estimates have been made of the population density of the excited atoms and of the electron densities.

37. This portable Audiometer offers a variety of testing options, with frequencies of 500Hz, 1000Hz, 2000Hz, and 4000Hz, and signal intensities ranging from 15 to 50 dB HL

38. Experimentally, sp2 to sp3 ratios can be determined by comparing the relative intensities of various spectroscopic peaks (including EELS, XPS, and Raman spectroscopy) to those expected for graphite or diamond.

Thí nghiệm, tỷ lệ sp2 đến sp3 có thể được xác định bằng cách so sánh cường độ tương đối của các pic phổ khác nhau (bao gồm quang phổ EELS, XPS, và Raman) với các giá trị mong đợi cho graphit hoặc kim cương.

39. Aeromagnetic data by incorporating physical properties of rock including measured magnetic susceptibilities, estimated remanent magnetic field orientations and intensities, a known association of intrusive events, and information from existing geologic mapping

40. However, significant loss of desirable genes occurred in the mass selected doubled haploid population under both the 5% and 25% selection intensities in the additive and complete dominance models.

41. The relative intensities of the radiations as they issue from the window of the tube, unobstructed by any screen, do not follow the order of the atomic weights of the Anticathodes

42. By relating the migratory patterns of single species with the nocturnal migratory intensities, we show that the species composition aloft can at least partly be deduced from the number of grounded birds.

43. Conspectus means an overview or summary of collection strength and collecting intensities – arranged by subject, classification scheme, or combination of either, and containing standardized codes for collection or collecting levels and languages of materials collected

44. A third band in thev3 region and a second band in thev4 region are attributed to a second adsorption position; their intensities do not vary proportionately with those of the other bands upon changing the coverage.

45. The varying morphology of lanes, nonuniformity in band shapes, intensities and spacing, the spatially varying background of the image and gel-preparative and digitization variations in the Autoradiogram images make conventional techniques of image processing unsuitable.

46. ‘Hybridization signals were visualized by an Autoradiogram and a bio-imaging analyser.’ ‘There were still, however, strains that appeared to be pure types, from the diagnostic bands on the Autoradiogram.’ ‘Band intensities were quantified by densitometry of the Autoradiogram.’

47. Aerosol extinction coefficients have been determined from the intensities of direct solar radiation recorded by pyrheliometers in five spectral bands at Plateau Station in the heart of the East Antarctic Plateau (79° 15′S, 40° 30′E, 3625 m).

48. The spectrum for each specimen demonstrated peaks at different wavelengths and varying intensities, the spectra demonstrated traces of wax on Abraded surfaces showed least wax when dewaxed at 100C as compared Abraded surfaces dewaxed at 65C and 85 C temperatures respectively.

49. A distinct change in the composition of the alga is already produced by small amounts of blue light (ca. 200 ergs/cm2 sec); the highest protein level is reached at 4,000–5,000 ergs/cm2 sec and maintained at still higher intensities.

50. Figure 17.1 shows the detection apparatus for photofission products in the presence of an intense x-ray background, as used by Baldwin et al The problem with bremsstrahlung excitation functions is that the measured intensities have to be deconvolved with the known Bremsstrahlungs's spectrum