despotism in Turkish

  1. mutlakiyet, hakimiyete dayanan idare
  2. despotizm, istibdat.

Sentence patterns related to "despotism"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "despotism" from the English - Turkish Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "despotism", or refer to the context using the word "despotism" in the English - Turkish Dictionary.

1. Is not liberty the destruction of all despotism - including, of course, legal despotism?

2. Their starting point is bourgeois despotism,( ) which in culture becomes the cultural despotism of the bourgeoisie.

3. Their starting point is bourgeois despotism, which in culture becomes the cultural despotism of the bourgeoisie.

4. 18 Their starting point is bourgeois despotism, which in culture becomes the cultural despotism of the bourgeoisie.

5. " The despotism of Porfirio Diaz is unbearable.

6. Cecilia, viuda attacks despotism in the government.

7. No one will like to live in a tyrannical despotism.

8. 35 synonyms for Absolutism: dictatorship, tyranny, totalitarianism, authoritarianism, despotism

9. What does Absoluteness mean? Absolute authority, unlimited power; despotism

10. A large proportion of the best citizens hated his despotism.

11. Mankind has only to submit ; the hour of despotism has struck.

12. Paradoxically, Athens was on the threshold of her " age of despotism ".

13. Instead, they turn to the law for this despotism, this absolutism, this omnipotence.

14. The recognition s of despotism in Chinese and western languages are greatly different.

15. 8 synonyms for Autarchy: absolutism, autocracy, despotism, dictatorship, monocracy, tyranny, autarky

16. After years of despotism, the country is now moving towards democracy.

17. Whoever rejects it does of necessity fly to anarchy or to despotism.

18. Diem, a profound traditionlist , ran a family despotism in the oriental manner.

19. Synonyms for Autarchy include autocracy, totalitarianism, dictatorship, tyranny, despotism, absolutism, authoritarianism, tsarism, totalism and czarism

20. Bastille: ( 1370~1789 ) Medieval fortress in Paris that became a symbol of despotism.

21. In this sense he was both an opponent of democracy, and also of despotism.

22. Bureaucracy is the derivation of feudal despotism, it is a long and complex historical phenomenon.

23. If it does not mean bourgeois despotism, then there is no sense to it at all.

24. That notion is quite compatible with a certain residue of benevolent despotism exercised by Tory squires.

25. But the really, I think, dangerous thing about skepticism with regard to truth is that it leads to despotism.

26. However limited its immediate effects, the ideology of Enlightened Despotism was important in the long term.

27. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, enlightened despotism, secularism, nationalism and liberalism had all fanned the flames.

28. 18 However limited its immediate effects, the ideology of Enlightened Despotism was important in the long term.

29. There was nothing to fear from the Egyptians, accustomed as they were to despotism since the Pharaonic age.

30. Absolutism the theory and exercise of complete and unrestricted power in government. See also autarchy, autocracy, despotism, dictatorship, monarchy, …

31. The rationalist opposition replaced the murder of the imam with the triumph of reason as the barrier against despotism.

32. In terms of man's cultural development he represents a royal epiphany of the primal father, an authentic reincarnation of primal despotism.

33. In the Discourse, d’Alembert rejects a priori, indemonstrable speculations that lead to error and “intellectual despotism” and assumes a method based on hard facts and evidence (xxxv).

34. As nouns the difference between despotism and Absolutism is that despotism is government by a singular authority, either a single person or tight-knit group, which rules with absolute power while Absolutism is {{contexttheologylang=en}} doctrine of preordination; doctrine of absolute decrees; doctrine that god acts in an absolute manner {{defdatefirst attested in the mid 18 th century

35. Top 10 Mustaches That Brutalized Modern History Andrei Dina While the beard is depicted throughout history as the symbol of manhood and wisdom, nothing spells tyranny and despotism better than the …

36. Real liberty is never found in despotism or in the extremes of Democracy... It has been observed that a pure democracy if it were practicable would be the most perfect government.

37. Coup of 18–19 Brumaire, (November 9–10, 1799), coup d’état that overthrew the system of government under the Directory in France and substituted the Consulate, making way for the despotism of Napoleon Bonaparte

38. The Alteration itself is a vehicle to expose Amis's views on church and what he sees as its insidious power that drives it to despotism in a desperate drive to control and its fear of those outside its control

39. Alienable liberty is the basis of Hobbes' system and for all social contract theories (and Hobbes would also say that, despotism being an evil, it is impossible that anyone would ever voluntarily consent to it; hence his famous definition of tyranny as monarchy misliked).

40. Bashfulness charmingly art work slama to run for shelter phoque parkokinejo divided into episodes, of an episode, sporadic, temporary Protease diskless computer rotational speed kyoujutsusho passenger ship besta pankreas Schachtar Donezk (u.E.)/Schachtjor Donezk (u.E.) to ridicule, to mock arta preassembly drawing uzruna autocracy, despotism

41. Anarchism is defended on historic grounds: the evils are recited which have been wrought in human history by the employment of force compelling obedience by one will to another will, as they are seen in political and religious despotism and in the subjugation of women

42. And this perfectly monstrous proposition, which is tantamount to the assertion of the divine right of politicians to be Absolutest despots, immune from criticism and censure, this immoral despotism is proclaimed with such an air of self-righteous virtue that it has almost come to be regarded as a truism—at least, when it concerns the mere Irish.

43. En Augustus meanwhile, as supports to his despotism, raised to the pontificate and curule aedileship Claudius Marcellus, his sister's son, while a mere stripling, and Marcus Agrippa, of humble birth, a good soldier, and one who had shared his victory, to two consecutive Consulships, and as Marcellus soon afterwards died, he also accepted him

44. Even his Prometheus, the Archradical and comforter of humankind, is a willing accomplice in the cycle of violence in which the tyranny of one order is succeeded by the despotism of the next, while in Endecott and the Red Cross the repressive Puritanism of Governor Endecott is balanced by the excesses of the hedonistic Merry Mount settlers.