determinate in Turkish

  1. belirli, muayyen, hudutlu, mahdut, kesin, kati
  2. kararlaşmış, mukarrer.

Sentence patterns related to "determinate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "determinate" from the English - Turkish Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "determinate", or refer to the context using the word "determinate" in the English - Turkish Dictionary.

1. Acropetal, Basipetal, Cymose, Determinate, Indeterminate, Inflorescence, Racemose

2. Give me a determinate answer to the problem.

3. Use the mud balance to determinate the mud weight.

4. These are determinate by the characteristic of its structure.

5. Such a structure is said to be statically determinate.

6. Objective: To determinate oxaprozin and its tablet.

7. Our manager has made a determinate mind.

8. The growth of spruce and fir needles is determinate.

9. Good with group cooperation spirit and with determinate leadership.

10. So it has determinate practical merit and groping meaning.

11. Why not let local circumstances and relative departmental strengths be determinate?

12. There are two determinate senses of Concavity: concave up and concave down

13. And if translation is determinate, meaning here must be atomistic rather than holistic.

14. There is no determinate object, then, which we can call the meaning of this sentence.

15. Gill's All purpose 90 days, semi-determinate — The plants are attractive, regular-leaf, and are high yielding

16. As Mr. Hurd pointed out in his written answer, there is no equivalent determinate sentence for murder.

17. CONCLUSION The method is simple , rapid and could be used to determinate Sisomicin, result is accurate.

18. Consequently there are no cases in our books which show what the appropriate determinate sentence is specifically for that offence.

19. But like Many saidi, when his pride or dignity were crossed he was capable of fierce anger and determinate action.

20. We may know that authors work within determinate social and cultural conditions, but we still emphasize the fact of individual production.

21. A demise for years is a contract for the exclusive possession and profit of land for some determinate period.

22. Thus, it is clear that normal speakers do not have a determinate concept of the things these words denote.

23. Betrothal, in the Catholic church, is a deliberate and free, mutual, true promise, externally expressed, of future marriage between determinate and fit persons

24. Nomatterhow ethereal they may seem, they do not exist in a timeless limbo but possess determinate antecedents in time and space.

25. Betrothal, in the Catholic Church, is a deliberate and free, mutual, true promise, externally expressed, of future marriage between determinate and fit persons.

26. A double laser device of high stability was used to determinate the threshold bandwidth of a He/Ne-laser amplifier and oscillator.

27. It is a collection of 130 algebraic problems giving numerical solutions of determinate equations (those with a unique solution) and indeterminate equations.

28. Also receiving determinate prison sentences are those whose offence is reduced to manslaughter on a combined plea of provocation and diminished responsibility.

29. The purpose of it is to make the "interfix determinism" concept perspicuous and to try to establish determinate theoretic foundation for the research of problems on determinism.

30. Nella quinta puntata di "Belve" Francesca Fagnani farà conoscere la storia e il vissuto di due donne forti e determinate: Asia Argento e Melania Rizzoli

31. No other indication of a wall modification was seen for 3 weeks, at which time the root had become determinate and aerenchyma was beginning to form in the midcortex.

32. Cyme definition is - an inflorescence in which each floral axis terminates in a single flower; especially : a determinate inflorescence of this type containing several flowers with the first-opening central flower terminating the main axis and subsequent flowers developing from lateral buds.

33. Abolishment As of 2001, 15 states (Arizona, California, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Ohio, Oregon, New Mexico, North Carolina, Virginia and Washington) and the Federal government have eliminated parole programs in lieu of a determinate model of sentencing reflective of a more retributive approach to

34. And since, leaving aside God’s fore- adeoque ab aeterno verum fuerit Petrum esse abnegaturum; knowledge, the truth of future contingents is determinate in utique praescientiam debere veritatem relinquere qualis erat itself, so that it was true from eternity that Peter would deny, nempe Contingentem.

35. It was determinate considering a Young modulus for the steel of cables equal to 186 GPa and Anaxial force at SLS for each tendon equal to about 1000 MPa (including the force degradation due to shrinkage and creep); thus a prestrain equal to 5.6 mm/m has been used.