deteriorate in Turkish

  1. fenalaşmak, bozulmak, alçalmak, gerilemek. deteriora'tion fenalaşma, gerileme, bozulma, çürüklük, çürüme.

Sentence patterns related to "deteriorate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "deteriorate" from the English - Turkish Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "deteriorate", or refer to the context using the word "deteriorate" in the English - Turkish Dictionary.

1. His hearing began to deteriorate.

2. The unused egg follicles then deteriorate .

3. To impair; deteriorate: Jealousy Corroded his character

4. His health began to deteriorate quite seriously.

5. Her physical and mental condition would deteriorate.

6. Back home their relationship started to deteriorate.

7. Alarmingly, the situation could easily deteriorate further.

8. Opened vermouth, however, will gradually deteriorate over time.

9. Or do discussions often deteriorate into heated arguments?”

10. Consequently, some patients allowed their conditions to deteriorate.

11. After that night, the family began to deteriorate.

12. But Berenice begins to deteriorate from an unnamed disease

13. Relations between the Catholics and the Waldenses continued to deteriorate.

14. In spite of aggressive treatment, her condition continued to deteriorate.

15. Over the next five years, conditions in Jerusalem steadily deteriorate.

16. But germ lines can deteriorate and cause extinction of lineages.

17. Premises might be allowed to deteriorate by the proposed assignee.

18. If the dispute drags on, conditions in the city could deteriorate.

19. He'd either continue to deteriorate, or he would've gotten better.

20. However, bicuspid valves are more likely to deteriorate and later fail.

21. When the leaves deteriorate, they provide organic material for the soil.

22. The tragic situation of European Jewry continued to deteriorate throughout the 19

23. 7 The same team that allowed blowouts to deteriorate into hard-fought victories.

24. Be careful, though, not to let the discussion deteriorate into an argument.

25. A bloody disgrace the way the whole area been allowed to deteriorate.

26. The second ICU, in allowing the patient to deteriorate, has performed less well.

27. Products and services deteriorate, the cost of living soars, the burden of taxation increases.

28. 18 synonyms for Corrode: eat away, waste, consume, corrupt, deteriorate, erode, rust, gnaw, oxidize

29. After 3 months, frozen Cockles can still be consumed but the quality will deteriorate

30. Other cellar tapes will quickly leave yellow marks and the acidity will deteriorate the media.

31. The weather continued to deteriorate with low-flying scud and rain squalls from the west.

32. If your relations with your Cupbearer deteriorate sufficiently, you may be poisoned, perhaps even fatally

33. With Achilles tendonosis, the collagen fibers that make up the tendon deteriorate or break down.

34. We watched her physical condition deteriorate as she came to the close of her mortal life.

35. Nandazhan should not deteriorate into a boxing ring and market place where people utter personal insults.

36. As an Abscess becomes worse, the tissue affected by the infection will begin to deteriorate

37. Elisabeth suffered an attack of apoplexy in 1910, which caused her health to quickly deteriorate.

38. Otherwise the wedding could deteriorate into a riotous affair and cause stumbling. —Romans 14:21.

39. Does the discussion quickly veer off course and deteriorate into a volley of insults and accusations?

40. The alternative route down the locks became virtually impassable as the locks were allowed to deteriorate.

41. Friedreich's Ataxia is an inherited (genetic) disorder that causes certain nerve cells to deteriorate over time

42. The evidence bears out that mental ability does not deteriorate at the rate physical ability does.

43. Absolute Zero The theoretical temperature at which materials have no thermal energy (and presumably would not deteriorate).

44. Either the settlement was abandoned now, or the huts had been allowed to deteriorate during the winter.

45. For this, in turn, gnawed away at her mind, then she began to deteriorate in body too.

46. Manuel's voice had started to deteriorate, but the cracking horns cover any gaps and reinvigorate the songs.

47. Corrosion is a galvanic process by which metals deteriorate through oxidation—usually but not always to their oxides

48. Instead, they fortify their marriage by choosing not to let disagreements become habitual or deteriorate into protracted arguments.

49. However, as labour markets continue to deteriorate in reaction to the economic downturn, additional action is needed.

50. As such it continues its acts of aggression while conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory continue to deteriorate.