dentine in Turkish

  1. dişi meydana getiren kemikten daha sert madde, diş kemiği, dentin.

Sentence patterns related to "dentine"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dentine" from the English - Turkish Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dentine", or refer to the context using the word "dentine" in the English - Turkish Dictionary.

1. Matrix metalloproteinases in human sclerotic dentine of Attrited molars

2. In carious dentine, three different morphological types of crystalline inclusion were found in tubule lumens in addition both to the rhombohedral crystals usually described and to the accumulation of peritubular (intratubular) dentine.

3. It is made by a layer of Cementum-producing cells (cementoblasts) adjacent to the dentine.

4. The morphological characteristics of sclerotic dentine from the Attrited molars were comparable to that from noncarious cervical lesions

5. The team also developed scaffolds mimicking various tissues important in dental repair, including periodontium (alveolar bone, periodontal ligament and cementum) and dentine.

6. Dental Caries develops when bacteria in the mouth metabolize sugars to produce acid that demineralizes the hard tissues of the teeth (enamel and dentine)

7. Caries, cavity or decay of a tooth, a localized disease that begins at the surface of the tooth and may progress through the dentine into the pulp cavity

8. Presented is a case of congenital agenesis of the M3 and prenatally formed enamel and coronal dentine hypoplasia of the M1 in the lower jaw of a roe buck, aged about 18 months.

9. The techniques used in Carious dentine removal have developed since GV Black, in 1893, initially proposed the principle of 'extension for prevention' in the operative treatment of Carious …

10. [1] [2] [3] Ankylosis occurs when partial root resorption is followed by repair with either cementum or dentine that unites the tooth root with the alveolar bone, usually after trauma

11. Cementum is the thin layer of calcified (tough calcium deposits) tissue covering the dentine of the root and is one of four tissues that support the tooth in the jaw (the periodontium)

12. Braga J, Thackeray JF, Subsol G, Kahn JL, Maret D, Treil J, Beck A (2010) The enamel-dentine junction in the postcanine dentition of Australopithecus africanus: Intra-individual metameric and Antimeric variation

13. Cementum, also called Cement, in anatomy, thin layer of bonelike material covering the roots and sometimes other parts of the teeth of mammals. Cementum is yellowish and softer than either dentine or enamel

14. Recent histological studies on the euConodonts have brought to light a variety of hard tissues which recall the enamel, dentine and bone of the vertebrates, but their homology with vertebrate tissues remains controversial.

15. Prevalence and Severity of Clinical Consequences of Untreated Dentine Carious Lesions in Children from a Deprived Area of Brazil Published in Caries Research in 2011 Web of Science (Free Access) View full bibliographic record View citing articles

16. Microwear analysis found that an abrasive agent, acting predominantly in a lingual to labial direction, had been responsible for loss of enamel and dentine incisally and interproximally, and on the facial and lingual surfaces to a lesser extent.

17. One of the aims in the clinical operative management of dental Carious lesions is to remove selectively the highly infected and structurally denatured dentine tissue, while retaining the deeper, repairable affected and intact, healthy tissues for long-term mechanical strength

18. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Acidic food and drinks (Cola soft drink, drinking yogurt, orange juice, sports drink, Tom-yum soup) on surface hardness of various substrates (enamel, dentine, universal composite, microfilled composite, conventional glass ionomer, resin-modified glass ionomer, polyacid-modified resin composite).

19. Amphioxus also lack tripartite brain (with forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain) protected by a skull, chambered heart, closed circulatory system and neural crest found on the embryonic neural tube and are engaged in the formation of the cranium, tooth dentine, some endocrine glands and Schwann cells, which provide myelin insulation to nerve cells).