deportment in Turkish

  1. tavır, davranış hareket.

Sentence patterns related to "deportment"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "deportment" from the English - Turkish Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "deportment", or refer to the context using the word "deportment" in the English - Turkish Dictionary.

1. One's deportment is dignified.

2. His deportment is beautiful.

3. He has good deportment.

4. Comportment is a see also of deportment

5. He maintained a hard, careless deportment.

6. Their rabidly nonconformist deportment has made them legendary.

7. He is austere and grave in deportment.

8. Swithin drew his heels together, his deportment ever admirable.

9. Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment.

10. lessons for young ladies in deportment and etiquette.

11. Deportment and poise were as important as good marks for young ladies.

12. Comportment, deportment - Deportment adds the sense of action or activity to a mode of conduct or behavior; Comportment, "behavior or bearing," does not have this

13. Blushed bashfully in yours vision acme of beauty and deportment rebirth own.

14. One peculiarity of the child's deportment remains yet to be told.

15. The deportment department was one of the first things to go.

16. The Li code embraced beliefs, ethics, manners, deportment, social behaviour, ceremony and statecraft.

17. As nouns the difference between Comportment and deportment is that Comportment is the manner in which one behaves or conducts oneself while deportment is bearing; manner of presenting oneself:.

18. However, VDIM activates before the threshold to help realize smoother vehicle deportment.

19. ; My youth, mental cultivation, and Circumspect deportment, entitled me to deference and confidence.

20. I am here to work in a London drama academy, to teach - ah, yes - deportment.

21. They made girls stand up for themselves and neatness, grooming and deportment were important.

22. Bearing: See: behavior , color , complexion , conduct , connection , connotation , content , course , demeanor , deportment , direction , magnitude , manner , meaning

23. Prior to sharing her young mistress's lessons, she received instruction in deportment and etiquette.

24. The old housekeeper, with a gracious severity of deportment , waves her hand towards the great staircase.

25. Although the Olympic champion has become, but her deportment, that can still feel shy and nervous.

26. Miss Moore was a woman of steady deportment, without the least levity of conversation or carriage.

27. 15 They made girls stand up for themselves and neatness, grooming and deportment were important.

28. Synonyms for Comportment include bearing, deportment, conduct, carriage, manner, behaviour, behavior, demeanour, demeanor and attitude

29. Synonyms for Actions include behavior, behaviour, conduct, dealings, deeds, activities, comportment, demeanor, deportment and demeanour

30. His deportment had now for some weeks been more uniform towards me than at the first.

31. James was no model of deportment anywhere, least of all in his marital and other personal relations.

32. Comportment (countable and uncountable, plural Comportments) The manner in which one behaves or conducts oneself; deportment, bearing; Translations

33. If the deportment of the Koi is okay, next step is to ask the dealer to bowl the fish.

34. Their different personalities are reflected in their deportment on court, Davenport's walk far more diffident than Williams's confident strut.

35. Blackface and the codifying of blackness— language, movement, deportment, and character—as caricature persists through mass media and in public performances today

36. Hypernyms ("Correctitude" is a kind of): behavior; behaviour; conduct; demeanor; demeanour; deportment ((behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people)

37. My beloved South, His name Betokens not his hue, though he is not the less respected and honored for his deportment and correct habits.

38. Before that, Bummy's deportment in the ring was as exemplary as that of any other man who earns his living trying to convert the gray matter encased in the

39. Also, in that same correspondence Col. McGee refers to how shocked he was at the tolerance of her supervisors putting up with her aberrant behaviour in dress, deportment and self-discipline.

40. The Brahmin was expected to maintain the customary English reserve in his dress, manner, and deportment, cultivate the arts, support charities such as hospitals and colleges, and assume the role of community leader.

41. The traumatic realism of Christopher Marlowe's the massacre at Paris Twenty years later he was described as 'graceless' and a ' Butcherly soaker' and his deportment had to be 'much improved' by a society ballet master.

42. behavior, Behaviour (noun) the action or reaction of something (as a machine or substance) under specified circumstances "the behavior of small particles can be studied in experiments" demeanor, demeanour, behavior, Behaviour, conduct, deportment (noun)

43. Behind Rayburn's Crustily authoritarian deportment dwelled, Johnson quickly sensed, a deeply shy soul, a man who had been married once long ago for three weeks and had been ever since a self-enclosed figure, childless, solitary, lonely

44. A pleasing deportment; courtesy; that manner of address and behavior in social intercourse which gives pleasure; civility; obliging condescension; kind and affable reception and treatment of guests; exterior acts of civility; as, the gentleman received us with Complaisance