depose in Turkish

  1. tahttan indirmek, hal'etmek, azletmek
  2. yeminle yazılı ifade vermek.

Sentence patterns related to "depose"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "depose" from the English - Turkish Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "depose", or refer to the context using the word "depose" in the English - Turkish Dictionary.

1. The witness is going to depose.

2. The right to elect chieftains and to depose them.

3. The emperor attempted to depose the Pope.

4. On two occasions in 1992 military men tried to depose him.

5. Two neighboring countries and three rebel armies have been fighting since 1998 to depose him.

6. The military steps in to depose Ch á vez and restore order.

7. I will depose you from your office, and you will be ousted from your position.

8. Two neighboring countries and three rebel armies have been fighting since 1998 to depose him.sentence dictionary

9. The council of the tribe also had the power to depose both sachems and chiefs.

10. Show all the citizens of Meereen that you're better than those who would depose you.

11. The Churches and the sects had devastated Europe, engineered massacres, demanded religious resistance or revolution, attempted to excommunicate or to depose monarchs.”

12. Asseverate: See: acknowledge , adduce , affirm , allege , assert , assure , attest , avouch , avow , bear , certify , claim , contend , declare , depose , enunciate

13. While he was bishop of Alexandria, Cyril used bribery, libel, and slander in order to depose the bishop of Constantinople.

14. Affidavit IN SUPPORT OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT I, , being first duly sworn, hereby depose and state as follows: PURPOSE OF Affidavit 1

15. In Arrogating the right to overthrow the Iraqi government and depose of Saddam Hussein by force, the Bush administration is violating international law and the UN Charter.

16. In 1864 a group of Mexican Archconservatives colluded with France’s Napoleon III to depose the liberal president Benito Juaraz and appoint Maximilian emperor of Mexico

17. Early in July 1974, I was in Nicosia when a coup to depose President Makarios took place, and I saw his palace go up in flames.

18. Cuttingly epsilon-transition polietilenska cijev world conditions bilo kakvu square վոլմանի հիվանդություն athlete blend colors, match colors suspès racoon depose مقعد للبارْ harmonic response characteristic grease 3B Gelişme censorious sluggishness extenuations complementary operation Akkusativ boina schoft (n

19. Since these are often the same groups that may turn against the Autocrats and depose them through a coup d'etat or mass insurrection, they are often forced to satisfy the needs of the elite minority over the needs of

20. Moreover, throughout the Middle Ages the Pope claimed the right to depose the Catholic kings of Western Europe, and tried to exercise it, sometimes successfully (see the investiture controversy, below), sometimes not, as with Henry VIII of England and Henry III of Navarre.

21. In Basle itself it was resolved to depose the pope and in order to prepare the way for deposition three articles were drawn up, namely: that a general council is superior to a pope; that the pope cannot prorogue, or dissolve such an assembly; that whoever denies these is a heretic

22. In Basle itself it was resolved to depose the pope and in order to prepare the way for deposition three articles were drawn up, namely: that a general council is superior to a pope ; that the pope cannot prorogue, or dissolve such an assembly; that whoever denies these is a heretic.

23. The riddle was not such as all can read, But gave thy art fair opportunity, Yet neither inspiration served thee then, Nor omens, but I, skilless Oedipus, Out of my ignorance confounded her, By my own wit, unhelped by auguries; I, whom thou now Conspirest to depose, Hoping that thou wilt stand by …