adulterous in Korean

adjective - adulterous
간통의: adulterous
섞음질한: adulterous, sophisticated

Sentence patterns related to "adulterous"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "adulterous" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "adulterous", or refer to the context using the word "adulterous" in the English - Korean.

1. Stop being an adulterous bitch.

간통한 여자처럼 굴지 마

2. Second, who's running for adulterous.

3. Hosea redeems his adulterous wife (1-3)

4. How well that description fits the adulterous divorcer!

이 묘사가 간음하여 이혼하는 자들에게 얼마나 잘 적용됩니까!

5. 9 Israel’s adulterous course illustrated (1:1–3:5).

9 이스라엘의 음란한 길이 예시되다 (1:1-3:5).

6. 7 synonyms for Cheating: cheat, two-timing, adulterous, unsporting, unsportsmanlike, foul, dirty

7. (30:15, 16) An adulterous woman’s brazen self-acquittal is given.

(30:15, 16) 죄를 범하고도 발뺌하는 음녀의 뻔뻔스러움이 언급된다.

8. The utter foolishness of an adulterous course is shown in other ways too.

9. There are valid reasons why a person might choose to divorce an adulterous mate.

10. David felt that way after reflecting upon his adulterous relationship with Bathsheba.

‘다윗’은 ‘밧세바’와의 불륜한 관계를 생각할 때에 그렇게 느꼈읍니다.

11. King David of Israel made many mistakes, including his well-documented adulterous relationship with Bath-sheba.


13. 32 You are an adulterous wife who takes strangers instead of her own husband!

14. Hence remarriage without Scriptural permission or authorization is adulterous and the congregation will disfellowship the offender.

15. A higher law of marriage rejects frivolous divorcing as a course leading to adulterous remarriages.

결혼 생활에 대한 더 높은 법은 하찮은 이유로 이혼하는 것을 간음을 범하는 재혼으로 인도하는 행로로 배척합니다.

16. In some cases, this has happened openly, as when someone enters into an adulterous marriage.

간음 결혼을 하는 것과 같은 일부 경우에는 그런 일이 공개적으로 일어납니다.

17. Data from the aforementioned dating website Gleeden also contradicted the notion that the French are exceptionally adulterous:

18. The wearing of the veil is obligatory, and adulterous women are stoned, as in the Middle Ages.

19. How the pure knighthood was destroyed by adulterous love and the horror of civil war.

20. When someone looks at a woman with adulterous thoughts, desire grows; adultery may be committed.

21. If he had the opportunity, he would carry out in actions the adulterous desire of his heart.

22. The Bible allows an innocent mate the right to decide whether to divorce an adulterous spouse.

성서는 결백한 배우자에게 간음을 범한 배우자와 이혼할 것인지 결정할 권리가 있다고 알려 준다.

23. Synonyms for Bigamous include adulterous, criminal, illegal, polygamous, two-timing, unlawful, illegitimate, prohibited, felonious and lawless

24. For an adulterous woman is a deep pit, and a wayward wife is a narrow well

25. Was Satan thinking that Sarah would betray her husband —and Jehovah— and enter an adulterous marriage?

26. Since Herod Antipas claimed to follow the Mosaic Law, John had properly exposed this adulterous union.

27. adulterous: Refers to spiritual adultery, or unfaithfulness to God. —See study note on Mr 8: 38.

간음하는: 영적 간음 즉 하느님께 불충실한 행동을 하는 것을 의미한다.—막 8:38 연구 노트 참조.

28. The Bible says that God requires exclusive devotion, so it describes such people “as unfaithful as adulterous wives.”

하나님께서는 전적 헌신을 요구하시며, 따라서 성서에 그러한 사람들이 “간음하는 여자들”로 묘사되었다.

29. 8 Consider what happened after Nathan the prophet confronted King David of ancient Israel about David’s adulterous relationship with Bath-sheba.

30. When this man found you engaged in adulterous acts with his wife...-... you knew he' d shoot you, right?

31. The treacherous course of the adulterous mate—which has caused “weeping and sighing”—is what is hated by God.

32. 16:4: “A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it.”

33. 22 Eddy dangles a very tempting adulterous carrot in front of Richard and suggests a convivial evening of wife swapping.

34. He is described as " Crookbacked " and largely plays a misogynist counterpoint to his adulterous brothers, Edward and George

35. (Mark 8:34, 38) So the masses of unrepentant Jews of that time obviously made up “this adulterous and sinful generation.”

36. ○ 7:4-8 —Adulterous Israelites were likened to a baker’s oven, or furnace, apparently because of the evil desires burning within them.

37. Pr 30 Verse 20 mentions an adulterous woman who “has eaten and has wiped her mouth and . . . said: ‘I have committed no wrong.’”

38. He repeated to them: “A wicked and adulterous generation keeps on seeking for a sign, but no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah.”

39. However, a person who chooses to use Jesus’ statement as a basis for divorcing an adulterous mate is not doing something that Jehovah hates.

하지만 간음을 범한 배우자와 이혼하기 위한 근거로 예수의 말씀을 적용하기로 결정하는 사람은, 여호와께서 미워하시는 일을 하는 것이 아니다.

40. Why are we not like that ancient “wicked and adulterous generation,” and yet where do we find a “sign” given by Jesus for us to consider?

왜 우리는 고대의 그 “악하고 음란 세대”와 같지 않으며, 그러나 우리가 고려하도록 예수께서 말씀하신 “징조”는 어디에 기록되어 있읍니까?

41. Sia says Shia LaBeouf 'Conned' her into 'adulterous' relationship following FKA Twigs allegations She is the second singer to accuse the actor of abuse this week

42. He was not obliged to provide for an adulteress, a nation that broke its covenant and turned to worshiping Baal images and having adulterous relations with worldly lovers.

하나님께서는 간음하는 여자, 곧 언약을 파기하고 ‘바알’ 형상을 숭배하며 세상적 애인들과 음란한 관계를 가진 나라에 축복을 줄 의무가 없었읍니다.

43. By the same token, a wife caught up in the spirit of soap operas dealing with adulterous episodes could be tempted to become disloyal to her husband.

44. Russell wrote: “If the church with which you are connected, lives in adulterous union with the world, you must, if you would keep your garments white, leave her.”

러셀은 이렇게 썼다. “독자가 관련을 맺고 있는 교회가 세상과 야합하여 간음한다면 옷을 희게 유지하기 위해 거기서 떠나야 한다.”

45. In Matthew 12:39 Jesus said, “A wicked and adulterous generation keeps on seeking for a sign, but no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah the prophet.”

마태 12:39에서 예수께서는 “악하고 음란한 세대가 표적을 구하나 선지자 ‘요나’의 표적 밖에는 보일 표적이 없느니라.” 고 말씀하셨어.

46. According to Liudprand of Cremona, John died whilst enjoying an adulterous sexual encounter outside Rome, either as the result of apoplexy, or at the hands of an outraged husband.

47. Whosoever therefore shall be Ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be Ashamed, when he cometh in …

48. + 39 In reply he said to them: “A wicked and adulterous generation keeps on seeking a sign,* but no sign will be given it except the sign of Joʹnah the prophet.

49. “Lots of people think an adulterous affair might spice up a marriage,” noted one marriage researcher, but she added that an affair always leads to “real problems.”—Proverbs 6:27-29, 32.

한 결혼 연구가에 의하면 “많은 사람들은 불의의 정사가 결혼 생활에 양념 구실을 한다고 생각한다”고 합니다. 그러나 이 연구가는 그러한 정사는 언제나 “실제 문제”를 일으킨다고 부언하였습니다.—잠언 6:27-29, 32.

50. After FKA twigs filed a lawsuit against Shia LaBeouf, Sia said she was also involved with the actor and says he "Conned" her into an "adulterous relationship" and hurt her emotionally.