advance guard in Korean

noun - advance guard
전위: electric potential, vanguard, transposition, lineman, advance guard, va

Sentence patterns related to "advance guard"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "advance guard" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "advance guard", or refer to the context using the word "advance guard" in the English - Korean.

1. The advance guard' s far ahead

2. Advance guard have made it to 495.

3. Send an advance guard to the capital.

4. You take the advance guard, find us a trail.

5. They must put out an advance guard of some sort

6. 3 bodyguards in his suite, one advance guard in the lobby.

7. He was named one of Lord Tokugawa's advance guard and served well.

8. We immediately sent off our advance guard, with Carrel at its head.

9. The American advance guard consisted of a small troop of regular cavalry.

10. On November 25–26 at Sandersville, Wheeler struck at Slocum's advance guard.

11. He was named one of Lord Tokugawa' s advance guard...... and served well

12. He then took an advance guard of ten ships and sailed towards the Carthaginians.

13. On this day the combat reconnaissance ("probing") was carried out by Soviet advance guard troops.

14. On 6 October the division's advance guard defeated a force of 3,000 insurgents at Talibu.

15. An advance guard from Curtis's brigade used axes to cut through the palisades and abatis.

16. In March of that year, Blais' house became the headquarters for the royalist advance guard.

17. Siegel also self-published a fanzine called Science Fiction: The Advance Guard of Future Civilization.

18. What kind of advance guard and “rear guard” have they had, even during World War II?

그들은 심지어 제2차 세계 대전중에도 앞뒤로 어떠한 “호위”를 받아 왔읍니까?

19. But when I spotted the [leaders], they looked more like the advance guard of an army.

20. The Mongol victory was won by an advance guard of perhaps as few as 5,000 cavalry.

21. The following year, he participated in the campaign in Poland, serving in Prince Bagration's advance guard.

22. On November 11, under Joseph Mortier, his division provided the advance guard in the advance on Vienna.

23. The Byzantine advance guard managed to squeeze through slopes which were not yet taken by the Bulgarian attackers.

24. In October–November 1812, Yermolov served in the advance guard under Miloradovich and fought at Vyazma and Krasnyi.

25. The missionaries were seen as a fifth column, an advance guard of the West and its subjugation of the whole of China.

선교사들은 서방 세계의 제 5열, 중국 전역을 지배하기 위한 서방 세계의 전위 부대로 간주되었다.

26. Alexander also ordered the murder of Attalus, who was in command of the advance guard of the army in Asia Minor and Cleopatra's uncle.

27. They came out of the fortified city and attacked Shurhabil, surrounding him from all sides; Khalid reached the arena with his advance guard cavalry and saved the day for Shurhabil.

진나라는 순림보에게 정나라를 구원하고 진나라를 공격하게 했으며, 진나라의 아경 극결이 정나라를 도와 함께 유분(柳棼)에서 초나라 군대를 격파했다.

28. “By this time there is hardly a newspaper of any sort or description in the country that has not carried one or more spiteful articles denouncing Jehovah’s witnesses as ‘fifth columnists financed by foreign capital,’ ‘an advance guard of Communism,’ ‘false prophets,’ ‘enemies of the state and society,’ etc., etc., using all the usual epithets.

“이즈음에 이 나라에는 어떤 종류의 신문이든, 여호와의 증인을 ‘외국 자본이 뒤를 대는 제5열,’ ‘공산주의의 전위,’ ‘거짓 예언자,’ ‘국가와 사회의 적’ 등등, 흔히 들을 수 있는 모든 모략적인 어구를 사용하여 공공연히 비난하는 악의적인 기사를 하나 이상 싣지 않은 신문이 거의 없다.