advance notice in Korean

noun - advance notice
예고: warning, advance notice, premonitio

Sentence patterns related to "advance notice"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "advance notice" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "advance notice", or refer to the context using the word "advance notice" in the English - Korean.

1. Advance notice – Commission hearings.

2. How much advance notice do you need?

3. And not to give him advance notice.

4. Did this advance notice prove to be accurate?

그러한 예언은 정확히 성취되었습니까?

5. Advance notice of 28 days would be reasonable.

6. Does the Justice Department not give advance notice?

7. • Gives advance notice of transfers of Schedule 1 chemicals;


9. Generally, significant advance notice is given before levy or seizure.

10. The competent authorities concerned shall receive advance notice of such publication;

11. What advance notice should we heed regarding God’s day of reckoning?

우리는 하나님의 형벌의 날과 관련하여 무슨 사전 통고를 청종해야 합니까?

12. You have to give us a little bit of advance notice.

13. Google will provide advance notice before this requirement goes into effect.

Google에서는 이 요건이 시행되기 전에 미리 공지해 드릴 예정입니다.

14. The advance notice shall be limited to the minimum time necessary.

15. The competent authorities shall receive advance notice about such a publication.

16. Advance notice would help improving transparency and predictability of the business environment.

17. The competent authorities concerned shall receive advance notice about such a publication.

18. Each contracting party may terminate the contract by giving # months' advance notice

19. For this purpose, the Committee shall give advance notice of its reporting schedules.

20. However some advance notice of potential impact at the wholesale level is desirable.

21. For further information, please see the advance notice of this call (RCN 8278).

22. Each contracting party may terminate the contract by giving 6 months' advance notice.

23. Each contracting party may terminate the contract by giving six-months' advance notice.

24. Such a requirement would necessarily entail advance notice, when it should remain exceptional.

25. When you're on the mailing list[], you'll receive advance notice of upcoming events.

26. In most circumstances, advance notice of months will be needed to begin wage deferral.

27. However, if advance notice isn't practical, you will be notified as soon as possible.

28. To avoid a stampede(, no advance notice was given of his appearances.

29. They don't normally give any advance notice about which building they're going to inspect.

30. Computerized detector modules translate those light shifts into stress units, providing advance notice of failure.

31. Bite offers catering with advance notice to locations within Manhattan from Financial District to Midtown

32. to give employees who are required to work overtime adequate advance notice of this requirement.

33. Appropriate advance notice shall be given of any new measures, terms, conditions, rules or regulations.

34. We will publish another change log entry with advance notice prior to introducing this requirement.

이 요건을 도입하기 전에 사전 알림과 함께 다른 변경 로그 항목이 게시될 예정입니다.

35. HC has been asked by multiple groups to provide advance notice on risk communication documents.

36. Belarus suggested that advance notice might be given even before a site had been chosen.

37. It declared the inviolability of existing frontiers and promised advance notice of major military maneuvers.

그것은 현존하는 국경에 대한 불가침을 선언하고, 주요 군사 작전은 사전에 통고할 것을 약속하였다.

38. Guided tours for groups are available on request with a minimum of two weeks advance notice.

39. The fact that no advance notice was given of any of the attacks supports this hypothesis.

40. However, departments responsible for monitoring port facilities, companies and ships may be inspected without advance notice.

41. Jehovah’s Witnesses are given advance notice of that in this prophecy of Revelation 17:13, 14:

여호와의 증인은 계시록 17:13, 14의 이 예언 가운데서 그것을 미리 통고받았습니다.

42. · Give the competent authorities of other States advance notice of any new requirements concerning border checks.

43. The Commission could not limit that amount of cofinancing without having given CEMR adequate advance notice.

44. The Working Party stressed the importance of advance notice of changes to regular questionnaires like the JFSQ

45. Your genial hosts will recommend several excellent local restaurants. Special diets are catered for with advance notice.

46. If you are taking your car with you, it is advisable to book with reasonable advance notice.

47. God cannot be accused of having failed to be fair in giving them advance notice and warning.

그러므로 하나님께서 그들에게 사전 통고나 경고를 하시지 않았다고 비난할 나라는 하나도 없을 것입니다.

48. In addition, the carrier must give a minimum of six months' advance notice before discontinuing the services

49. whether advance notice was given to the aid applicant of the visit and, if so, how much;

50. Such obligations might include, for example, providing timely advance notice of a State’s intention to terminate provisional application.