as regards sy in Hungarian


Sentence patterns related to "as regards sy"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "as regards sy" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "as regards sy", or refer to the context using the word "as regards sy" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. I also look with nostalgia my k7'sy as they grow old.

2. Arsyversy How many syllables? 4 Syllables How it's divided? ar-sy-ver-sy

3. Apprizes: as in respects, regards

4. Safeguard Regulation as regards Aflatoxins

5. He regards them as nothing, as an unreality.

6. The Camarilla regards the Anarchs as …

7. He regards himself as a patriot.

8. - one percentage point as regards moisture content,

9. As regards that,I'll break with her.

10. Cuckney regards such managerial mobility as healthy.

11. Is there any stipulation as regards qualifications?

12. As regards the first point in your letter ...

13. - acoustic measurements, in particular as regards sound-proofing,

14. Leon regards keeping fit as a serious business.

15. Least, as regards Anticyclones, was challenged by Dr

16. Tumin regards this as a very questionable assumption.

17. I have little information as regards his past.

18. Both should enjoy the same rights (notably as regards access to lists of electors) and be similarly accountable (notably as regards reporting).

19. The Catholic Encyclopedia (1907) regards this genealogy as spurious.

20. 16 The Roman Catholic Church regards marriage as indissoluble.

21. Lakota tradition regards the Badger as an Earth Animal

22. I think he regards work as a necessary evil.

23. There is no problem as regards the financial arrangements.

24. She regards the marriage ceremony as a quaint anAchronism

25. As regards his weapons,... he has absolutely no idea.