as the saying has it in Hungarian

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Sentence patterns related to "as the saying has it"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "as the saying has it" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "as the saying has it", or refer to the context using the word "as the saying has it" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. As trite as the saying has become, it remains nonetheless true.

2. It never rains but it pours, as the saying goes.

3. B: Just as the saying goes, it never rains but it pours.

4. She identified the bag as hers by saying what it contained.

5. I can only conclude by saying that I am sorry the situation has developed the way it has.

6. It presents this as justification for killing in war, saying:

7. And as it ran, this thing was saying, " Give me input.

8. But is it true that experience is the best teacher, as the saying goes?

9. 13 As the saying goes, life is like a revolving door: When it closes, it also opens.

10. 12 As the saying goes, life is like a revolving door; whenever it closes, it also opens.

11. As I keep saying, it is a very practical and concrete agenda.

12. Governments and international organizations condemned the takeover, saying it sets back the limited democratic reforms Burma has made

13. It is as though Pilate was saying: ‘Isn’t this enough for you priests?’

14. And as an old saying puts it: ‘Friends in need are friends indeed.’

15. As Warren Buffett has been quoted saying many times in the past : " Beware of geeks bearing formulas . "

16. He was saying that leaven has power.

17. As the saying goes, Comparisons are odious.

18. Anyhow, as I was saying ...

19. He has a knack of saying the wrong thing.

20. Disney dismissed her request, saying, "Pamela, the ship has sailed."

21. He has an unerring knack of saying the wrong thing.

22. What I am saying is that, every sovereign country has the right to protect its territorial integrity and take appropriate action as and when it feels necessary.

23. He has an unfortunate aptitude for saying the wrong thing.

24. She has the unfortunate knack of always saying the wrong thing.

25. As the saying goes the early bird the worm.