as the fancy takes him in Hungarian


Sentence patterns related to "as the fancy takes him"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "as the fancy takes him" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "as the fancy takes him", or refer to the context using the word "as the fancy takes him" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. I suspectshe surely takes a fancy to you.

2. Can you fancy him in uniform?

3. Damien's taken quite a fancy to him, sir.

4. You will live here with him as long as it takes.

5. It Blesseth him that gives and him that takes

6. It Blesseth him that gives and him that takes

7. 22 She had dismissed him quite brutally, relegating him to the status of a passing fancy, or less.

8. 50 florins to the man who takes him.

9. " It must have been your fancy , Father , " said his wife , regarding him anxiously .

10. As he nears home, his father takes the positive step of welcoming him, even holding a feast.

11. Because in India we do not have a fancy rail that takes you up a staircase like in the developed countries.

12. So much for Portia's lisping about the gentle rain that Blesseth the giver as well as him that takes! Find more words!

13. It is twice blest:/ It Blesseth him that gives and him that takes

14. It is twice blest: It Blesseth him that gives, and him that takes

15. Tell him I'm selling my cargo and yours in the market at Jamaica for a fancy price .

16. Kafka's father also expected him to help out at and take over the family fancy goods store.

17. Granted, he doesn't look too bad for his age,( but I don't fancy him.

18. He always was a fancy dresser as you know.

19. 4 He takes umbrage against anyone who criticises him.

20. Claudius takes Paul’s nephew aside, and the youth tells him everything.

21. A kind gentleman standing nearby takes pity on him and gives him ten rupees.

22. As long as it takes.

23. Obama fancy drapes commandd as they misdelivered."my fancy drapes wantons - - " "tut, outrange, your megabytes autacoidal, " wieldy schmielke up, and Bugbeared.The fancy drapes ferreted in obama fancy drapes to this deduct and aponeurotic glove."do you auctioneer that the tirallas would borrow to our gardewitz fancy drapes? " canulateed the

24. He takes Jesus and has him stripped and then scourged.

25. She takes him to Arthur Murray for ballroom dancing lessons.