a day or two more or less doesnt matter in Hungarian

a day or two more or less doesn`t matter egy-kétnapidevagyodaigazánnemszámít

Sentence patterns related to "a day or two more or less doesnt matter"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "a day or two more or less doesnt matter" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "a day or two more or less doesnt matter", or refer to the context using the word "a day or two more or less doesnt matter" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. I work with more or less inert matter.

2. The two houses were more or less identical.

3. So often, we look at dollar terms -- people making less than a dollar or two or three a day.

4. Milo/Bunno hi im milo or Bunno it doesnt matter which one u call me ^^ he/they pronouns!

5. Balls: a more or less round body or mass.

6. Ball: a more or less round body or mass.

7. Yeah, more or less.

8. More or less all of us yammer on more or less endlessly about hope.

9. One day is defined as all or any part of a calendar day (24 hours or less).

10. The two events were more or less contemporaneous, with only months between them.

11. In more or less recognizable weather, more or less recognizable birds are greeting the dawn.

12. Their homeland was a narrow strip of coast that more or less corresponds to modern-day Lebanon.

13. A mortgage covering two or more specific parcels of real property or two or more mortgages.

14. From the Cambridge English Corpus Or, less Charitably, they could be a matter …

15. The first two weeks are more or less devoted to the study of phonetics.

16. Anthracite coal is a high-ranking coal with more fixed carbon and less volatile matter than bituminous, subbituminous, or lignite varieties

17. The project was more or less a success.

18. Production is more or less at a standstill.

19. It's 500 kilos, more or less.

20. Making tea is the best thing Ive done since building a sealed room, doesnt matter what nutes your using or what medium your in, these Bennies

21. It is more or less certain.

22. Charges are off by a day or two

23. She could earn $200 a night, more or less.

24. Give yourself two weeks or less, and mark on your calendar the day you are determined to quit.

25. In the next day or two.