a few minutes ago in Hungarian

éhányperccelezelôtt néhányperce

Sentence patterns related to "a few minutes ago"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "a few minutes ago" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "a few minutes ago", or refer to the context using the word "a few minutes ago" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. It happened a few minutes ago.

2. He was here a few minutes ago.

3. It wasn't before that aftershock a few minutes ago.

4. A few minutes ago, I likened mind-wandering to a slot machine you'd never want to play.

5. A few minutes ago, I likened mind- wandering to a slot machine you'd never want to play.

6. Tahiliani a few minutes ago, India’s performance on the 2008 Global Integrity Index has been relatively positive.

7. You were evaluated as the winner of today's 5-Billionth search query a few minutes ago by our system! Our last winner was Brad Jenkins from Brussels, Belgium

8. Therefore, we endorse the spirit and intention of your approach, the important elements and suggestions contained in your non-paper, and the allocution you made a few minutes ago.

9. You were evaluated as the winner of today’s 5-Billionth search query a few minutes ago by our system! Our last winner was Brad Jenkins from Brussels, Belgium, who won a Samsung KU6179 Ultra HD TV on 14.05.2018 with his 5-Billionth Search.

10. The book says that "Did anybody happen to see my knapsack around?" "Why, you had it just a few minutes ago, Step Hen!" "I know that, Bumpus; and I'd take my Affidavy I laid it down on this rock""