a fat chance you have in Hungarian

a fat chance you have! arraugyanvárhatsz! arraugyanvárhatsz

Sentence patterns related to "a fat chance you have"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "a fat chance you have" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "a fat chance you have", or refer to the context using the word "a fat chance you have" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Were you scared? Fat chance.

2. And a chance. Fat chance.

3. Fat chance of him helping you!

4. You want to a date with me? Fat chance!

5. Me, marry a millionaire? Fat chance!

6. 15 I think it's a fat chance.

7. That was a joke, HaHa! Fat chance?

8. 13 I think it's a fat chance.

9. What a glorious chance you have!

10. You think I have a chance?

11. As a woman, you might have a chance.

12. Fat chance of voting out his suggestion.

13. You don't have a ghost of a chance .

14. Fat chance I can get a copy of the story.

15. Do you have by any chance a pen with you?

16. You have grown fat, you have become stout, you have become bloated.

17. They promise to help you do research, manage messages and control schedules. Fat chance!

18. Fat chance I can get there on time.

19. Fat chance, I be out of town tomorrow.

20. You wouldn't, by any chance, have a calculator on you, would you?

21. You haven't by any chance chosen a groomsman yet, have you?

22. Did you have a chance to do any sightseeing?

23. You don't think I have a chance of winning, do you?

24. Do you have any low- fat yogurt?

25. Have you had a chance to review the victim's files?