ferociously in Hindi


  1. खूँखार~रूप~से "The lion jumped on his trainer snarling furiously."

Sentence patterns related to "ferociously"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ferociously" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ferociously", or refer to the context using the word "ferociously" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. She kicked out ferociously.

2. Agnew in turn was ferociously proud.

3. The buck shook his antlers ferociously.

4. These days he is ferociously competitive.

5. At intervals , he gritted his teeth ferociously.

6. A female lion defends her young ferociously.

7. She talked ferociously and made me angry.

8. He saw Gazzer's fingers jab ferociously into Simon's face.

9. His brows snapped together ferociously when he heard the remark.

10. They have been ferociously attacked by the political elements.

11. COVID'19 has ferociously Beclouded the energy of the entire world

12. The Treasury-tight-knit, secretive, ferociously intelligent-is winning the battle.

13. Although ferociously Bewhiskered, he is the mildest and best-natured man in town

14. Thor eats and drinks ferociously, consuming entire animals and three casks of mead.

15. He glared back ferociously so they reverted to the cakes, muttering darkly.

16. 30 He set himself ferociously tough standards; and he was ardently devoted to ballet.

17. He set himself ferociously tough standards; and he was ardently devoted to ballet.

18. He trapped Conn in a corner and pummeled him ferociously for thirty seconds.

19. Synonyms for Barbarically include brutally, cruelly, fiercely, ferociously, mercilessly, savagely, remorselessly, pitilessly, ruthlessly and viciously

20. The palace guards fought so ferociously that Colonel Bayerenov dashed outside to all in reinforcements.

21. The Chinese ferociously repress any challenges to the official version of the history of Taiwan.

22. The parents don't like the way the schoolmaster barks at the pupils so ferociously.

23. They tend to bite each other, often quite ferociously and usually on the face.

24. " We've got to beat them down, " whispered Daisy, winking ferociously toward the fervent sun.

25. Lost a piece of scrip on board , write ferociously above: " I let you steal! "

26. These were put down ferociously but were followed by the application of a more enlightened policy.

27. Synonyms for Amuck include murderously, berserk, destructively, ferociously, frenziedly, in a frenzy, insanely, madly, maniacally and savagely

28. Then he picked up two other attendants, one after another, and killed them just as ferociously.

29. But for me, it's a reminder of the day this woman ferociously ripped out my heart.

30. In Lancaster County, then as now, there were many who wanted their district attorney to fight ferociously.

31. We campaigned ferociously to ban the stuff that could kill people in minutes with its toxic fumes.

32. The male will then fertilize the eggs and then ferociously protect them from any other fish which come near.

33. As I opened my neighbor's cattle pen to lead it out by its halter, a dog barked ferociously at me.

34. Dropping her soap-bag on top of the folded clothes, she slammed the case lid down and ferociously snapped the fastenings.

35. Brahmsian kick, listen to a rewarding recording — sumptuously romantic yet ferociously modern — by the Hollywood String Quartet and the pianist Victor Aller

36. 18 Though Christians have been ferociously persecuted at times, both the first and the 20th centuries have seen periods of religious tolerance.

37. Jehan took the tray of cakes out of her hands, and then he grinned ferociously at her so that she backed hastily away.

38. Cruelly, fiercely, savagely, ruthlessly, viciously, mercilessly, ferociously, remorselessly, in cold blood, callously, murderously, pitilessly, heartlessly, inhumanly, barbarously, brutishly, barbarically, hardheartedly Her real parents had been Brutally murdered.

39. The will to win and the abundance of venture capital make China's internet a "ferociously gladiatorial environment", says Richard Robinson, an American who has founded several start-ups in Beijing.

40. AUSTIN, Texas — Dinosaurs are often depicted in movies as roaring ferociously, but it is likely that some dinosaurs mumbled or Cooed with closed mouths, according to a study posted online in the journal Evolution that will be published in the August print issue.