feudal in Hindi


  1. जागीरदारी[से~सम्बंधित] "In feudal system the tenants were usually treated as bonded workers of the landlords."

Sentence patterns related to "feudal"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "feudal" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "feudal", or refer to the context using the word "feudal" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Feudal landlord estate economy is one economic model of the economy of Chinas feudal landowners.

2. Society was organised along feudal lines.

3. Legal definition for Attornare: In feudal law

4. The Bourgeoisie class developed during feudal times

5. Legal definition for Attorn: In feudal law

6. We are still a semi - feudal country .

हमारा मुल्क आज भी आधा सामंती है .

7. In that general sense Achaemenid Persia was feudal.

8. The woman was a rebel against feudal ethics.

9. Landlords rely on feudal exploitation to amass wealth.

10. The origin of Attorn is in English feudal history

11. 13 Public opinion was against the old feudal system.

12. Feudal rulers ruled over the country several thousand years.

13. However, the clergy formed a third stratum in feudal society.

14. Many people look back with nostalgia to feudal times.

15. Coincidentally, the multitudinous barons had gradually built up the Feudal System

16. What does Benefice mean? A landed estate granted in feudal tenure

17. The way some landowners treat their tenants today seems almost feudal.

18. Sir Aetheling the Red is a feudal lord in the

19. To this day, the feudal political absolutism has not disappeared.

20. The serf owners safeguarded the feudal serfdom with savage punishments.

21. Similar conservatism is reflected in the treatment of revenue from feudal dues.

22. Barony It cannot operate using feudal systems, baronies and reserved domains

23. At the top of the social hierarchy were numerous feudal barons.

24. The feudal lords who controlled the mine actively traded with the Europeans.

25. That is to say, Edward's action had social, feudal and legal justification.

26. My forebears hardly knew what went on outside their small feudal society.

27. La cultura vietnamita estuvo durante siglos bajo la fuerte influencia del Confucianismo feudal.

28. However, their comments with a more orthodox feudal ideas and nit pick disease.

29. Did the peasants have just cause for complaint against their feudal lords?

30. Allegiance definition is - the obligation of a feudal vassal to his liege lord

31. Ceremonial acknowledgment by a vassal of allegiance to his lord under feudal law.

32. Ryōma was a visionary who dreamt of an independent Japan without feudal trappings.

33. 7 My forebears hardly knew what went on outside their small feudal society.

34. In feudal society, the Roman church regarded scientific theories as heretical beliefs.

35. Surely both Communalisms are a modern presentation of feudal interests and feudal values added up by the interests of sections of middle class who want to preserve their privileges and desire

36. Corvee (countable and uncountable, plural Corvees) Unpaid labor required by a feudal lord

37. Attila is a Feudal World that is somewhat smaller in size than Terra.

38. The Zhou appeared to have begun their rule under a semi-feudal system.

39. In feudal times, the lord lived on high ground to spot the invader.

40. The rod held by a feudal tenant while swearing fealty to a lord.

41. Confucius was born in the small feudal state of Lu, near modern Qufu (Shandong Province).

42. Corvee (labour due to a feudal lord; labour on roads) drudgery, chore fatigue; Derived terms

43. The patriarchy - centered culture emerged and grew in the semi - feudal and semi - colonial soil.

44. An aristocratic people, the Tutsi long held the peasant Bahutu, or Hutu, in feudal subjugation

45. For a century after 1467, warring feudal lords divided Japan into a number of fiefdoms.

46. Bureaucracy is the derivation of feudal despotism, it is a long and complex historical phenomenon.

47. Ieyasu ordered feudal lords to supply men and materials to complete a mammoth castle.

48. In feudal society, some slave owners persecuted the common people with methods like dismemberment.

49. The merchants and industrialists who spearheaded the rise of capitalism emerged during the feudal era.

50. Fair, in fact, than the Football Association of paternalism Feudal power and gross more important.