fervour in Hindi

fervour <N.>

  1. चाव, उत्साह "He gave the speech with great fervour."

Sentence patterns related to "fervour"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fervour" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fervour", or refer to the context using the word "fervour" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. He delivered his speech with evangelical fervour.

2. The speech aroused nationalist fervour.

3. He spoke with evangelical fervour.

4. She kissed him with unusual fervour.

5. To them we should respond with greater fervour.

6. He took up the cause with evangelical fervour.

7. After the war he pursued both arts with equal fervour.

8. The fervour of her speech showed she felt strongly.

9. Fervour of desire long kindled <<through Assidual beholding of Christ

10. They were concerned only with their own religious fervour.

11. From him even the most intractable pages stir with revolutionary fervour.

12. The hype and fervour surrounding the event positively invited scepticism.

13. This explains the fervour with which they perform their outreach work.

14. 22 The hype and fervour surrounding the event positively invited scepticism.

15. 21 There might be a rekindling of the kind of nationalistic fervour of yesteryear.

16. Nowhere else in the world can match the fervour of it.

17. But sober reality will soon dampen the fervour of the most ardent.

18. He supported his local team with a fervour that border on idolatry.

19. He supports his local team with a fervour that borders on idolatry.

20. With almost evangelical fervour, Marks warns against deliberately seeking a tan.

21. 27 synonyms for Ardour: passion, feeling, fire, heat, spirit, intensity, warmth, devotion, fervour

22. The young magistrate had embraced orthodoxy with the fervour of a recent convert.

23. But they did, with a fervour that would have amazed the feminists of their grandmothers' generation.

24. It is the fervour and ecstasy with which many of them listen to music and songs.

25. Tech-Green had mourned his passing with hysterical fervour; no one had replaced him in their pantheon.

26. Unlike Colin, who remains slightly sceptical, Mister C espouses the McKenna message with an evangelical fervour.

27. Doyle talked with the fervour of a preacher and generated enough enthusiasm to fuel 10 teams.

28. Derby matches wouldn't be so spicey without the fervour and passion born out of local rivalry.

29. Her fervour and her depiction of a siege mentality do not transfer too easily to Britain.

30. There are some Royal Courts which have clung on to the tradition of Curtseying with great fervour

31. Industrial and social recession, Marxist-style totalitarianism, corruption, poverty, inequality and failed central planning eroded the initial revolutionary fervour.

32. Pray for me Saint ...(name), for with fervour I come to thee, speedy helper and intercessor for my soul.

33. Propelling, in the fervour of the moment—a very exact moment—music that abounds in... • Details • Buy it!

34. Nowhere is the collision between neoclassical detachment and Romantic fervour more acutely represented than in these two essays.

35. Pray for me Saint..., for with fervour I come to thee, speedy helper and intercessor for my soul.

36. Frederick had the fervour but not the time to accomplish his desires, lamenting in May 1888, "I cannot die ...

37. Do you detect a touch of moral fervour rippling its unsightly way across the normally limpid Weltanschauung of Oliver Russell?

38. After his body was returned to Kinshasa, carefully planned scenes of public grief turned into a mass demonstration of patriotic fervour.

39. 23 Do you detect a touch of moral fervour rippling its unsightly way across the normally limpid Weltanschauung of Oliver Russell?

40. All these groups lost in fervour what they gained in respectability and by the mid eighteenth century their force was largely spent.

41. WARRIOR OF THE DAWN HOWARD CARLETON BROWNE Miss Ernestine had meanwhile been Catapulting into election issues with all the fervour of a …

42. Celebration of such an Independence Day was envisioned to stoke nationalistic fervour among Indian citizens, and to force the British government to consider granting independence.

इस तरह के स्वतंत्रता दिवस समारोह का आयोजन भारतीय नागरिकों के बीच राष्ट्रवादी ईधन झोंकने के लिये किया गया व स्वतंत्रता देने पर विचार करने के लिए ब्रिटिश सरकार को मजबूर करने के लिए भी किया गया।

43. A gradual relaxation in the original fervour of the congregation caused a thorough reform to be instituted under Cardinal de La Rochefoucauld, Grand Almoner of France.

44. Ardour - feelings of great warmth and intensity; "he spoke with great ardor" fervency , fervidness , fervor , fervour , ardor , fire passion , passionateness - a strong feeling or emotion

45. The historian-geographer and other pyreneists gave us a fervour, the taste for faithfulness to a mountain, a passion characteristic of the alpinistic practice, often with elegance.

46. Before the advent of Chatth, people come together to clean up their homes, and along with that cleansing of rivers, lakes, pond banks and pooja locations, that is ghats, with utmost enthusiasm & fervour.

छठ से पहले पूरे घर की सफाई, साथ ही नदी, तालाब, पोखर के किनारे, पूजा-स्थल यानि घाटों की भी सफाई, पूरे जोश से सब लोग जुड़ करके करते हैं।

47. Going a step further in this home-grown etymology, and since acidity is related to coldness (as we saw in Saint Thomas), acedia makes us tepid, because it chills the fervour of charity.

48. ‘a tale of unedifying Bawdry’ More example sentences ‘This poetic output, at a time when post-Chaucerian England was fallow, was a combination of classic grace, religious fervour, eroticism, and Bawdry which was almost hypnotic.’

49. This was the first occasion when his natural acumen for leadership, valiance and zeal and fervour for fighting for the weak and oppressed were seen and acknowledged publicly and people started looking at him with expectation as the torch bearer of his distinguished family’s lofty traditions.

यह पहला मौका था जब नेतृत्व, बहादुरी और उत्साह और कमजोर और उत्पीड़ित लोगों के लिए लड़ने के लिए उत्साह के लिए उनके प्राकृतिक कौशल को सार्वजनिक रूप से देखा और स्वीकार किया गया और लोगों ने उन्हें अपने प्रतिष्ठित परिवार की उदार परंपराओं के मशाल के रूप में उम्मीद के साथ देखना शुरू कर दिया।

50. Ardor: 1 n feelings of great warmth and intensity “he spoke with great Ardor ” Synonyms: ardour , fervency , fervidness , fervor , fervour , fire Types: zeal excessive fervor to do something or accomplish some end Type of: passion , passionateness a strong feeling or emotion n a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or