feel in Hindi

feel <V.>

  1. महसूस~करना "Can you feel the tension in this room ?" "You will feel better after taking this medicine." "We all felt that the boss is a good person." "The boss feels that he is suitable for this work."
  2. स्पर्श~से~अनुभव~करना "Doctors feel the pulse of the patient to sense his fever."
  3. टटोलना "He can feel his way in the dark." feel <N.>
  4. अनुभव "Feel of this place is very depressing."

Sentence patterns related to "feel"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "feel" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "feel", or refer to the context using the word "feel" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Does he feel what I feel?

2. Anger can occur when people don't feel well, feel rejected, feel threatened, or experience some loss.

3. I feel unwell/sick/terrible; I don't feel well.

4. To feel Agitated is to feel anxious, bothered, or worried

5. People feel empowered when they feel confident and in control.

6. You may feel tearful in situations where you feel conspicuous.

7. I don't feel guilty. That doesn't mean I don't feel bad.

8. When we do not feel safe physically, we feel personally vulnerable.

9. Why feel angry?

10. I feel fresh.

11. I feel awesome!

12. Feel like crying.

13. Feel better, Violet.

14. l feel naked.

15. Yeah, feel nauseous.

16. I feel faint

17. Feel my calf.

18. I feel nauseous.

19. I feel great.

20. I feel alone.

21. I feel sleepy.

22. If it will make you feel any happier, I feel quite guilty.

23. Abhor, hate, loathe, despise, abominate, execrate, regard with disgust, feel disgust for, feel repugnance towards, feel distaste for, shrink from, recoil from

24. The surgeon should feel only mucosa and should not feel a Bowstringed suture

25. If You Feel Overwhelmed

26. I feel so old.

27. Exercise More —Feel Great!

28. (Laughs) (Laughter) Sorry, I just feel such a, I feel such a Cassandra here.

29. Let yourself feel better.

30. I sometimes feel panicky.”

31. Feel her strong legs.

32. I feel jolly empty!

33. Feel my pulse, Doc.

34. Patients often feel despondent.

35. Don't you feel asphyxiation?

36. The sheets feel damp.

चादरें गीलीं लगतीं हैं।

37. Stop, I feel ashamed.

38. What did you feel?

39. You don't feel naked?

40. You feel good inside.

41. I can't feel anything.

42. I just feel bad.

43. I feel it's immoral.

44. I feel younger already.

45. I feel all achy.

46. Hope self feel yippee.

47. I keep coming hoping I'll feel better but they only make me feel worse.

48. Most prescriptive grammarians prefer "I feel bad" to "I feel Badly", but "I feel Badly" is widely used.

49. The poor feel their poverty more acutely, and the lonely feel their loneliness more keenly.

50. Confrontational people make you feel at ease; passive aggressive people make you feel on edge