fellow feeling in Hindi

fellow feeling <N.>

  1. सहानुभूति "One should have fellow feeling towards all the persons."

Sentence patterns related to "fellow feeling"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fellow feeling" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fellow feeling", or refer to the context using the word "fellow feeling" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Show “fellow feeling

2. Show Fellow Feeling in Your Ministry

3. 20 Show Fellow Feeling in Your Ministry

4. How do we know that Jehovah has fellow feeling?

5. How can we display fellow feeling when making disciples?

6. What benefits come from showing fellow feeling in our ministry?

7. The Greek adjective rendered “fellow feeling” literally means “suffering with.”

जिस यूनानी विशेषण का अनुवाद “एक-दूसरे का दर्द महसूस करो” किया गया है, उसका शाब्दिक मतलब है “उसके साथ तकलीफ से गुज़रो।”

8. 15 Congregation elders in particular need to show fellow feeling.

9. As an only child myself, I had a fellow feeling for Laura.

10. (Proverbs 27:9) We can make many friends by showing fellow feeling.

11. What example did Jesus set in showing fellow feeling in his ministry?

12. 19 We will see benefits when we show fellow feeling in our ministry.

13. 4 He had a shy manner which evoked a fellow feeling in me.

14. 2 As an only child myself, I had a fellow feeling for Laura.

15. 9 As an only child myself, I had a certain fellow feeling for Laura.

16. 8 What can help us show fellow feeling to those to whom we preach?

17. 1 There was a fellow feeling between everyone who had lived through the war.

18. Admittedly, the way some in authority act betrays harshness and a lack of fellow feeling.

यह मानना पड़ेगा कि कुछ अधिकारी बहुत ही कठोरता से पेश आते हैं और ज़रा-भी हमदर्दी नहीं दिखाते।

19. 4 In this article, we will consider how to show fellow feeling in our ministry.

20. Moreover, a Christian is told to show fellow feeling, to have affection, and to be tenderly compassionate.

21. 7 The doctor has a fellow feeling for his migraine patients,(www.Sentencedict.com) since he suffers from it himself.

22. 11 s answer to that is to find morality on sentiment, on fellow feeling, empathy for other people.

23. It also helps us to appreciate that Jesus has fellow feeling for those who have lost loved ones to Adamic death.

24. 3 It gave me a fellow feeling for the anchovy, which is stunned and confused by the high frequency sounds dolphins make.

25. 8 She also left the book undisturbed but felt, as soon as she saw the title, a further fellow feeling with S. Kettering.

26. Talk added to your intellect if individual as to your Bituminosis medications take up not sound like in order to be busy beside fellow feeling treating device preventing attacks

27. 10 I answer: non-believers perform these, too, out of simple fellow feeling, not requiring the idea of pleasing a deity or getting into heaven to prompt them to it.

28. We want to express our fellow feeling to you, in line with what Jesus said: “Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you.”

29. It's unlike solidarity or fellow feeling or altruism because love and those other particular virtues or reasons for caring about other people have to do with who they are in particular.

30. 5 Most of us get a warm sense of fellow feeling when we act in close and successful relationship with others, and maybe that happens more in war than any other time.

31. 6 It's unlike solidarity or fellow feeling or altruism because love and those other particular virtues or reasons for caring about other people have to do with who they are in particular.

32. Similarly, when people see the damage done by a flood in India or an earthquake in Italy and actually witness the human suffering, they can manifest fellow feeling and be moved to contribute to relieve it.

33. (Romans 10:14, 15) We will grow in compassion and fellow feeling when we regularly come in contact with sincere people who are sighing and groaning and who are without hope. —Ezekiel 9:4; Romans 8:22.

(रोमियों 10:14, 15) जब हम ऐसे लोगों से बात करते हैं जो आहें भरते और दुःख के मारे चिल्लाते हैं, और जिनके पास भविष्य की कोई आशा नहीं है, तो हममें करुणा और हमदर्दी के गुण पैदा होते हैं। और जितना ज़्यादा हममें लोगों के लिए हमदर्दी होगी, उतना ही ज़्यादा हम प्रचार के काम में लगे रहेंगे।—यहेजकेल 9:4; रोमियों 8:22.