febrile in Hindi


  1. उत्तेजित~होना "There is lot of febrile activity before elections "

Sentence patterns related to "febrile"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "febrile" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "febrile", or refer to the context using the word "febrile" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. She sang with febrile intensity.

2. 1 She sang with febrile intensity.

3. She's febrile and has peritoneal signs.

4. 2 He has a febrile imagination.

5. 2 She sang with febrile intensity.

6. 4 Nowak's face glittered with febrile urgency.

7. 7 Toxic doses can produce a febrile effect.

8. Febrile (warm) Agglutinins are active at normal body temperatures

9. A febrile response associated with the administration of blood.

10. 6 There's a febrile atmosphere round the world trade community.

11. The news plunged the nation into a febrile, agitated state.

12. There is a very small risk of febrile seizures after vaccination .

13. In the group investigated, febrile and afebrile grand mal attacks predominated.

14. 3 The news plunged the nation into a febrile, agitated state.

15. Anthropogenetic Variability in the Group of Individuals With Febrile Seizures

16. Antipyretics do not appear to prevent recurrence of febrile seizures

17. 30 This antipyretic action is usually rapid and effective in febrile patients.

18. Immunisation should be postponed in patients with febrile illness or acute infection.

19. Recommended Names on Drop Down List Seizure Seizure afebrile Seizure febrile

20. Anthropogenetic Variability in the Group of Individuals with Febrile Seizures: Population-Genetic Study

21. 10 He ran a febrile course with an average temperature of 39? ? C.

22. 11 The epidemic febrile diseases with warm-heat type are often seen in clinic. They are a kind of acute exopathic febrile diseases caused by pathogenic warm without damp.

23. Anthropogenetic Variability in the Group of Individuals with Febrile Seizures: Population-Genetic Study

24. Burn patients are febrile before there is sinificant bacterial colonization of born wound.

25. 25 Some children with acute pharyngitis complain of abdominal pain and are febrile.

26. 12 Burn patients are febrile before there is sinificant bacterial colonization of born wound.

27. Antonyms for Afebrile include febrile, fevered, feverish, pyretic, hot, overheated, agitated, furious, impassioned and incensed

28. 13 Relapsing fever is an acute febrile illness caused by spirochetes of the genus Borrelia.

29. Antipyretic agents have been used to lower febrile body temperature for well over two millennia

30. 19 What on earth, or in the heavens, went on in that febrile mind?

31. 5 Bacterial meningitis must always be considered in a febrile person with severe headache.

32. Febrile seizures are seizures or Convulsions that occur in young children and are triggered by fever

33. Diseases caused by Arboviruses include encephalitis, febrile diseases (sometimes with an associated rash), and hemorrhagic fevers

34. 8 The whole place exhaled the febrile bustle of the saloon on a holiday morning.

35. 27 The Aspergillus fumigatus genome was not detected in this group of surgical febrile patients.

36. Potential mild to moderate adverse effects include rash , fever , swollen cheeks , febrile seizures , and mild joint pain .

37. 9 How easy it has been in this febrile atmosphere to point the finger at miscreant journalists.

38. 20 OBJECTIVE To assess the clinical effectiveness of antibiotic combined therapy for febrile neutropenia an empirical treatment.

39. Anthropogenetic Variability in the Group of Individuals with Febrile Seizures: Population-Genetic Study Biomed Res Int

40. How easy it has been in this febrile atmosphere to point the finger at miscreant journalists.

41. 29 Objective To find the relationship between mutation of GABRG 2 and generalized epilepsy with febrile seizure plus.

42. Discussion Acute rheumatic fever is a multi-system febrile disease affecting connective tissue of the heart and joints.

43. Neurological problems found in patients with coronavirus infection include: febrile seizures, Convulsions, loss of consciousness, encephalomyelitis, and encephalitis

44. 26 Objective:To evaluate the significance of ultrasound in diagnosis of acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome(MCLS).

45. 23 Objective To analyze relationship between serum albumin level and TB febrile control with anti - TB treatment.

46. Acute Uncomplicated Febrile Illness in Children Aged 2-59 months in Zanzibar - Aetiologies, Antibiotic Treatment and Outcome PLoS One

47. 14 Febrile seizures in patients with psoriasis, psoriasis patients pregnant abdomen, lumbosacral position,(www.Sentencedict.com) and is not cupping.

48. Chikungunya disease is characterized by acute transient febrile Arthralgic illness, but can also lead to chronic incapacitating arthralgia

49. In children treated with phenobarbital and Antipyretics, the febrile seizure recurrence rate was 5%, whereas in those receiving placebo and Antipyretics, the rate was 25%, suggesting that a single daily dose of phenobarbital is more effective than counseling parents about antipyretic therapy in preventing recurrent febrile seizures.

50. 16 Rat-bite fever is an acute febrile illness caused by two different organisms, Streptobacillus moniliformis and Spirillum minus.