fearsome in Hindi


  1. घबराने~वाला, बृहत्, डरावना "He was given a fearsome task."

Sentence patterns related to "fearsome"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fearsome" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fearsome", or refer to the context using the word "fearsome" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. John had a fearsome sincerity.

2. And we brought a fearsome hound"".

भय हमें आनेवाले विनाश से सावधान करता है।

3. He was dark - browed, grim and fearsome.

4. There was the other, fearsome, face of royalty.

5. Fearsome events mark these as the last days.

6. He would be a fearsome opponent.


8. A bleating sheep who mistook himself as fearsome wolf.

9. I drove for a while across this fearsome emptiness.


11. He ran away from the fearsome ruffian.

12. Fear the fearsome fury of the forest fawn!

13. Fear the fearsome fury of the forest crane!

14. The giant with golden hair: Fearsome but knowledgeable.

15. He has a fearsome reputation as a fighter.

16. Its fearsome appearance struck terror into their hearts.

17. To my boy, George Dawson, to the Fearsome Four,

18. Though our challenges are fearsome, so are our strengths.

19. The failure to treat Tamils properly has carried a fearsome price.

20. He had developed a fearsome reputation for intimidating people.

21. Despite its fearsome appearance, viper's Bugloss is loved by insects …

22. Great epidemics have swooped down upon man with fearsome speed . . .

23. The Basilisk is a fearsome snake-like creature in ARK: Aberration

24. A robot so fearsome, so powerful, even I'm afraid to watch.

25. Rescue the beautiful princess Ariadna and rid the world of the fearsome Minotaur.

26. Adorbs is like a pair of fearsome ride-together-die-together sorority sisters

27. Johnson has deployed two fearsome weapons: her connections and her charm.

28. 18 Or shun his requests and risk facing his fearsome Inquisitors or even excommunication?

29. Fearsome worry about the horrible outcomes of not doing schoolwork is difficult to dispel.

30. The unknown is always the most fearsome, opening out into wide areas of conjecture.

31. Adorbs is like a pair of fearsome ride-together-die-together sorority sisters

32. Finally, the PEMDAS Musketeers had whittled Puff down to his last fearsome roar.

33. 9 synonyms for afeard: afraid, aghast, apprehensive, fearful, fearsome, funky, panicky, ascared, Afeared

34. They watched him intently, like a group of schoolboys would a fearsome master.

35. What has been the effect on the earth of these three fearsome horses and riders?

इन तीन भयानक घोड़ों और सवारों का पृथ्वी पर कैसा असर रहा है?

36. Others have fearsome experiences that they attribute to the influence of spirits of the dead.

37. Or shun his requests and risk facing his fearsome Inquisitors or even excommunication?

38. Great big and fearsome Dimetrodon, a species of dinosaur, was the most powerful creature.

39. Only a short time ago, she lived enclosed with in forbidding walls guarded by fearsome black eunuchs

40. Mintych Authentics in conjunction with Fearsome Figures are proud to offer a private signing with

41. 16 Great big and fearsome Dimetrodon, a species of dinosaur, was the most powerful creature.

42. The Chamber Symphony No. begun in 1906 and completed in 19 belies its fearsome reputation.

43. The Conqueror is a fearsome tank once fully upgraded and is a significant improvement over its predecessor

44. In Greek mythology, the Amazons were fearsome adversaries to the greatest heroes of the day

45. Here selection has favoured display developments that make the birds look not fearsome but disabled.

46. It is fearsome to Beholdas it strides forward, its mighty hooves making the ground quake with each step

47. In classical art and writings, the fearsome Amazons were always portrayed as brave and heroic.

48. Batman has been a ridiculous boy-scout, a fearsome vigilante, a protective father, a loner, a clown

49. The Culverin is a type of bombard and a fearsome piece of artillery, first used in Germany

50. The senior one was a fearsome,[http://Sentencedict.com] mustachioed amateur cello player who addressed every class in a terrifying bawl.