faux pas in Hindi

faux pas <N.>

  1. सामाजिक~गलती "She has been falsly charged of faux pas."

Sentence patterns related to "faux pas"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "faux pas" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "faux pas", or refer to the context using the word "faux pas" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Have you ever heard this kind of conversational faux pas?

2. She looked around to be sure her faux pas was undetected.

3. A clumsy mistake , especially one made in public; a faux pas.

4. Throwing up on the dessert might be regarded as a faux pas.

5. The " S " is not some " Who wore it best " fashion faux pas.

6. This continues our fine tradition of fashion faux pas for our Olympic outfits.

7. The reporter can blame a poor phone connection for our own pigskin faux pas.

8. All of these can an otherwise reputation a litany of faux pas in of your coworkers.

9. We consider it very impolite to tell people when they have committed some social faux pas.

10. Howerer, it turned out to be a faux pas, as Mother made me return the dress.

11. Another faux pas many unemployed job hunters make: Sending introductory notes that overextend gratitude, says Ms. Shapiro.

12. One of the most common animal faux pas is mistaking an Alpaca for a llama and vice versa

13. It is a major faux pas ( social embarrassment ) to arrive at a party early or even on time.


15. The Twitterverse responded to ABC's latest faux pas under a number of hashtags including: #AbbottLovesAnal, #QandA or just a ‘Q&A‘ search.

16. Another sign of greatness is his Adeptness at acknowledging & handling faux pas as evident by his handling of the Crowley-Gates incidence.

17. After Julie's carefully rehearsed, staged and white-dress costumed act of Contritely begging Pres for forgiveness is considered by Amy to be totally inappropriate, Julie makes a second faux pas in the presence of all New Orleans Society by …

18. ‘Joking Aside, he says the weekly meetings at his club are not just a forum for discussion, but change.’ ‘Errors Aside, the book is distractingly overwritten.’ ‘That faux pas Aside, this book is entertaining, educational, and highly recommended as a worthy investment of one's time and effort.’

19. ‘Her face Crimsoning with fury, Isabella suddenly turned away from her friend and quickened her pace down the road.’ ‘No matter how she blushed or crimsoned, most people who gathered at the Fine Arts Hall seemed to have enjoyed the judge's faux pas.’ ‘‘Oh, they say everyone has,’ she says, Crimsoning.’