waring in English

beware (used as a warning cry, typically in a hunting context).

Use "waring" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "waring" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "waring", or refer to the context using the word "waring" in the English Dictionary.

1. Caved her head in with the base of a Waring blender.

2. shelf edge, was derived using data from aerial surveys conducted from 1978 to 1982 (Waring et al.

3. The famous orchestra and choral leader Fred Waring was among those with whom I was under contract.

4. 25 While visiting her sister on the island of Corfu, Lucy Waring innocently finds herself involved in a smuggling ring.

5. Endosmotic and Antiphonic Waring respiting: which Urson is biotechnological enough? Derrin usually comminuting inextricably or pollutes cumulatively when chirpy Bartel agglomerates lovelily and incorruptibly.

6. She was co-editor, with the Scottish economist Ailsa McKay, of the 2014 book Counting on Marilyn Waring: New Advances in Feminist Economics.

7. You can't have an Antipope, but if you just want the pope as a vassal and love you, you can by waring against the pope via force vassalage (unlocked in the diplo tree)