warmongers in English

a sovereign or political leader or activist who encourages or advocates aggression or warfare toward other nations or groups.
But it has only confirmed his role as a ‘yes man’ for the most right-wing government in US history and a warmonger in his own right.

Use "warmongers" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "warmongers" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "warmongers", or refer to the context using the word "warmongers" in the English Dictionary.

1. The warmongers kept up their drumbeat on Iraq.

2. We're not warmongers, but liberationists.

3. The speech hits out at warmongers.

4. Today, the warmongers are trying to scuttle the Vienna accord.

5. You know ... as I do ... that the Prussians have always been the warmongers.

6. After describing the time of distress on the warmongers, to what does the angel next turn his attention?

7. He was determined not to let his work fall into the hands of warmongers.

8. 10 We can't exclude the possibility that some warmongers will run the risk of starting a new world war.

9. True Christianity has never fostered vengeful, intolerant inquisitors, such as Tomás de Torquemada, or hateful warmongers, such as the papal promoters of the Crusades.