ofsted in English

Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education)

non-ministerial department of the United Kingdom government established on September 1st 1992 which is in charge of inspecting the standards of schools and teachers in England

Use "ofsted" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ofsted" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ofsted", or refer to the context using the word "ofsted" in the English Dictionary.

1. The most recent Ofsted inspection was in 2008.

2. In England Childminders must be registered with Ofsted

3. Childminders : Childminders are professional carers who are registered with OFSTED

4. The DfE wants to Academise schools that are consistently rated less than 'good' by Ofsted

5. Register as a Childminder You must register with Ofsted to look after children in your home

6. Beanstalks are fully registered with Ofsted (EY366329), to see our latest inspection report, please visit our website

7. Childminder inadequate, says Ofsted; NEWS WIRE Elsewhere, six Calderdale children were found to be under the care of one inadequate Childminder .

8. National test results should reflect the involvement of the school and there should be more contextual evidence included in Ofsted reports.

9. In England Childminders must be registered with Ofsted. Childminders in Wales must be registered with Care Inspectorate Wales and in Scotland they must be registered with the Scottish Care Inspectorate.

10. What is a registered Childminder and who needs to register? The information we have in this section of the website is primarily for those of you who live in England and are planning to register as a Childminder with Ofsted.

11. HELP - Childminder - worried about her taking a group of kids out: 26: WhatILoved 17/02/21 22:31: Question: 6: Blondeshavemorefun 16/02/21 15:22: Can't find Ofsted reports: 8: FreesiaFairy 15/02/21 16:02: I’m scared of paedophiles having access to my child when in childcare: 134: EdgeOfACoin 07/02/21 09:46: Concerns over changing Childminder