Use "usurped" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "usurped" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "usurped", or refer to the context using the word "usurped" in the English Dictionary.

1. He usurped my rights.

2. That magazine usurped copyrighted material.

3. Streets, created by pedestrians, were usurped by motorists.

4. Little by little he usurped his boss's authority.

5. He had usurped powers that properly belonged to parliament.

6. Consequently, Ryholt proposes that Intef may have usurped the throne.

7. He thus concludes that Nebnuni may have usurped the throne.

8. The judges, critics say, have usurped the role of parliament.

9. It has usurped a role for which it was never created.

10. Competition among the parties has been usurped by competition among men.

11. The powers of local councils are being usurped by central government.

12. The expression'social engineering'has been usurped by the Utopianist without a shadow of light.

13. A mother dead and gone, her place about to be usurped by the housekeeper.

14. In Khabarovsk his statue is back on the pedestal that Lenin usurped.

15. Democratic councillors, it was argued, should not be usurped by pressure groups.

16. However, according to the Japanese Nihon Shoki he usurped the throne by force.

17. If schools feel their own roles and responsibilities are being usurped, they will not cooperate.

18. Gloom had usurped mirth at the party after the news of the terrorist act broke.

19. The new system has usurped almost all health care in California and is rapidly spreading nationwide.

20. A local knight called Walter had usurped land belonging to the dependent monastery of Fleury at Sault.

21. Increased military intrusion into civilian life, with many normal police functions usurped by the Pentagon.

22. The court said the government interpreted the federal law so loosely that it usurped Congress' authority.

23. You Sasanians deceitfully gained superiority over us and usurped our right, and treated us with injustice.

24. Uzziah usurped the position of the anointed priesthood and impiously invaded the Holy compartment of the temple.

25. The mass media, especially television, usurped the job the parties traditionally performed in reaching out to the people.

26. Now James had taken over that role from Edward, and he had usurped a little of her function too.

27. An Anguishing desire for the safe and wholesome Present usurped all this mad yearning to obtain the Past

28. The power of the clock, which should always rule at track meets, has been usurped by a committee.

29. During the same year in Lisbon, Maria II's throne was usurped by Prince Dom Miguel, Pedro I's younger brother.

30. The point is the Supreme Court has over the past 30 years usurped more power and exceeded its authority.

31. Which furfuryl this quinquennial Gibson discount lopinavir usa seller synchronically Buttstrapped hers usurped as well as unfeasible divert thanks to famvir purchase the juggler

32. Meet the Birthers: people who believe, despite truly overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and has illegally usurped the presidency

33. Gone was the green palette of the coffee plant and avocado tree. It was usurped by tropical tones of yellow coconut palms and the banana plant.

34. The Committee for Defense of Alexandretta, moreover, appealed to the Arab League to discuss the question of this "usurped" Arab region and to secure its retrocession to Syria

35. Aegisthus - (Greek mythology) the seducer of Clytemnestra and murderer of Agamemnon who usurped the throne of Mycenae until Agamemnon's son Orestes returned home and killed him Greek mythology - the mythology of the ancient Greeks

36. Bottommost ever-growing salungat, laban, salangsang, labag imati okolišni kolski nazivlje poljoprivrednih proizvoda Krippenplatz mazmur kill atroce dislocated sola juvat virtus stress sec комар salaire, gain Wasser speichern (u.E.) usurped lethargically vaara ohi, kaikki hyvin lampiherttu, Cisticola tinniens grobnica pobyt

37. According to Professor Gerd Habermann, corporatism means "that organized private interests -- foremost the tariff cartel with its almost absolute privilege to exercise private coercion (strike and lockout) -- usurped sovereign power and thus "privatized" the state to their own interests.

38. - devic protectorate: somewhere in the Upper Head long pre-Ghostlands then usurped control of Iraxas from the Byronics during expansion of Empire of Lathakra in 48th Century of the Dome; (NOTE: Iraxas became Hadd during the 1 st War between the Living and the …

39. Gentlemen, you must therefore pardon my bafflement and my abjuration, for if a man's claim be silently usurped on the overeager velleities of a blackguard, he is surely less compromised in stupefied observation than in ductile Abettings of sibilant machinators.

40. Under James I, the Bedchamber was established as a semi-autonomous department (overseen by the Groom of the Stole) with its own hierarchy of Gentlemen, Grooms and Yeomen, which usurped those of the Privy Chamber in terms of their influence with and closeness to the King.

41. Like these two Bibliolaters at my door, humanity has largely come to understand power as something that cannot be questioned and is the final authority for everyone.: While fundamentalists are surely Bibliolaters, mainline Protestants by contrast have usurped Scripture's divinity.: Bibliolaters are apparently willing to risk their lives and happiness on the probability that they have made all

42. 6 letter answer(s) to Arrogates USURPS seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one's right or possession; "He assumed to himself the right to fill all positions in the town"; "he usurped my rights"; "She seized control of the throne after her husband died"