utahraptor in English

a large dromaeosaurid dinosaur, the remains of which were discovered in Utah in 1992. It was twice the size of deinonychus.
The two utahraptors kill their victim efficiently, cleanly, with a flurry of slashes, hindclaws and foreclaws together.

Use "utahraptor" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "utahraptor" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "utahraptor", or refer to the context using the word "utahraptor" in the English Dictionary.

1. Initially Utahraptor would have replaced another dinosaur, the Allosaurus, as the state's official fossil, but it was decided that Utahraptor would be another symbol of the state.

2. Like other dromaeosaurids, Utahraptor had large curved claws on their second toes.

3. I happen to know more on the subject of palaeontology than many might credit, because my eldest daughter was Utahraptor-obsessed.