usu in English

usual; usually.

Use "usu" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "usu" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "usu", or refer to the context using the word "usu" in the English Dictionary.

1. Syn: Contagious, infectious are usu

2. World Aero Data - Busuanga Airport (USU) Details

3. Blinked, blinky A adjective Usu of milk; soured

4. De Usu & Authoritate Juris Civilis Romanorum, Per Dominia Principum Christianorum

5. Google Agenda oferecido por Manas Tungare (5193) 5.000.000+ usuários

6. A wonderful piece, recorded in HD, featuring some unique camera angles and other images that usu...

7. Syn: Amuse, divert, entertain mean to occupy the attention with something pleasant. That which Amuses is usu

8. Adj usu ADJ n (emphasis) (=total) Both of them died in Abject poverty, This scheme was an Abject failure.

9. Word forms: Conversationalists countable noun [ usu adj N ] A good conversationalist is someone who talks about interesting things when they have conversations.

10. (əplɒm, əplʌm) uncountable noun [usu with N] If you do something with Aplomb, you do it with confidence in a relaxed way.

11. Adjective [usu ADJ n] If you say that someone, usually a man, has Chiseled features, you mean that their face has a strong, clear bone structure

12. Adjective [usu ADJ n] Someone or something that is Balky does not behave or work the way you want them to.

13. Atualmente, é comum que aplicativos Apostem em recompensas em moeda real para que internautas consumam seus serviços e, principalmente, atraiam mais usuários

14. (bælɛtɪk) adjective [usu ADJ n] If you describe someone's movements as Balletic, you mean that they have some of the graceful qualities of ballet

15. Alicate é uma ferramenta articulada que serve fundamentalmente para multiplicar a força aplicada pelo usuário para incidi-la sobre o objeto desejado

16. Adjective [usu ADJ n] If you describe a house or room as Baronial, you mean that it is large, impressive, and old-fashioned in appearance, and looks as …

17. A species of conveyance in which the cognizor does not acknowledge the Cognizee’s preceding right in land but grants the Cognizee an estate de novo, usu

18. Transitive verb [usu passive] If you are Assailed by something unpleasant such as fears or problems, you are greatly troubled by a large number of them.

19. Attractionem Lvl2: O usuário consegue atrair qualquer objeto de tamanho médio, ou até mesmo pessoas e animaisem direção ao mesmo

20. Before pursuing his doctoral studies at USU, Amand obtained his Master of Education in Higher Education Administration and Bachelor of Science in Sport Management at the University of Missouri-Columbia.

21. Adverb [usu ADV before v] If you say that someone is Cynically doing something, you mean they are doing it to benefit themselves and they do not care that …

22. N-uncount usu with supp, oft with the N of n (disapproval) The deficit had grown with the Connivance of the banks, The goods were exported with official Connivance.

23. Find links into specific Banner tools and reports including Banner Admin/Application Navigator, SSB/ACCESS, e-Print, Travel & Expenses, Workflow, Communications Manager, Document Management for both USU and SDL

24. Herbarum vivae eicones ad naturae imitationem, summa cum diligentia & artificio effigiatae, una cum effectibus earundem, in gratiam veteris illius, & jamjam renascentis herbariae medicinae Quibus adjecta ad Calcem, appendix isagogica de usu & administratione …

25. Phrase [usu PHR after v] If you do something on the Coattails of someone else, you are able to do it because of the other person's success, and not because of your own efforts

26. Spices, condiments and Seasonings, Part Four Condiments and Sauces Something usu. pungent, acid, salty, or spicy added to or served with food to enhance its flavour or to give added flavour. Webster’s Third Dictionary Seasonings:

27. 1 Animadverti, Brute, saepe Catonem avunculum tuum cum in senatu sententiam diceret locos graves ex philosophia tractare abhorrentes ab hoc usu forensi et publico, sed dicendo consequi tamen ut illa etiam 2 populo probabilia viderentur.

28. (kʌmʌpəns) also come-uppance singular noun [usu poss N] If you say that someone got their Comeuppance, you approve of the fact that they have been punished or have suffered for something wrong that they have done.

29. Condonation — con·do·na·tion /ˌkän də nā shən/ n [Medieval Latin condonatio remission, pardon, from Latin condonare to give away, absolve]: voluntary overlooking or pardon of an offense; specif: express or implied and usu

30. Countable noun [usu with supp] If you describe something or someone as an Albatross around your neck, you mean that they cause you great problems from which you cannot escape, or they prevent you from doing what you want to do

31. O Automatos Mobile é um gerenciador que possibilita ao usuário acesso gratuito as informações do aparelho: Nome do dispositivo, status de bateria, informações de CPU (quantidade livre e em uso), informações de memória, todos os aplicativos instalados no dispositivo e etc

32. Traduzioni aggiuntive: Inglese: Italiano: Assess [sth] vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat.": usu US (impose a tax or fee on): imporre una tassa vtr verbo transitivo o transitivo pronominale: Verbo che richiede un complemento oggetto: "Lava la mela prima di mangiarla" - "Non mi aspettavo un successo così grande"