unaffordable in English

too expensive to be afforded by the average person.
medical care has become unaffordable

Use "unaffordable" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "unaffordable" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "unaffordable", or refer to the context using the word "unaffordable" in the English Dictionary.

1. It's unaffordable globally.

2. Not bad for hitting, throwing and catching a ball - but also unaffordable.

3. At the very least they should cut ticket prices, which have become unaffordable for the average family.

4. The downside: The city is still unaffordable for many, and the less-pricey suburbs can impose enervating commutes.

5. This is worth dwelling on, because those who brush quality off as unaffordable abound in the business world as well.

6. Even today, the leading Republican presidential candidates suggest that the rule of law is an unaffordable luxury in the battle with al-Qaeda.

7. But her dream would not have come true if she had dropped out of school some three years earlier, when school became unaffordable for Huyen and her family.

8. Birchbark Foundation protects and honors the human-animal bond by providing financial assistance to vulnerable families faced with unaffordable medical expenses to save the life of a pet and supporting all families through our pet loss, grief, and education programs.

9. Despite the US Supreme Court indicating that patent linkage needs to be reconsidered and access to medicines should not be denied on allegation of patent infringement and recent attempts by Italy to introduce a system of patent linkage resulted in a notice from the European Commission asking for the removal of these provisions from Italian law, patent linkage is a real barrier to competition in healthcare which is beset with unaffordable drugs.