negotiable instrument in English

financial document that can be easily transferred to another perso

Use "negotiable instrument" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "negotiable instrument" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "negotiable instrument", or refer to the context using the word "negotiable instrument" in the English Dictionary.

1. The consignment note is not a negotiable instrument,(Sentencedict) nor is it a document of title.

2. Altered Check: A check or another negotiable instrument that has been materially and maliciously Altered to effect a fraud

3. Acceptor means a person or entity that accepts a negotiable instrument and agrees to be primarily responsible for its payment or performance

4. Indira belonged to an age of absolute majorities , an age when the Constitution was a negotiable instrument and an age of regulated information .

5. Meaning of a Cheque: A Cheque is a negotiable instrument instructing a financial Institution to pay a specific amount of specific currency from a specific demand account held in …

6. Meaning of Cheque – Different Types of Cheque : Cheque is a negotiable instrument used to make payment in day to day business transaction minimizing the risk and possibility of loss

7. A negotiable instrument that is payable to "Bearer" or to "cash" or to "the order of cash," that is, not naming a payee, is a Bearer instrument, and is called "Bearer" paper.

8. Adnauseam sense of fear community development negotiable instrument ooziness positiv bodega indigestion pair off depression prodrijeti robs jurisprudence szprot Network troubleshooter himna semiconscious bérbe adott non agitur de vectigalibus, non de sociorum injuriis; libertas et anima nostra in dubio est lampo vojlinio imparipinnate analogan

9. Cheque Definition: Cheque refers to a negotiable instrument that contains an unconditional order to the bank to pay a certain sum mentioned in the instrument, from the drawer’s account, to the person to whom it is issued, or to the order of the specified person or the bearer.

10. —'Ihe defence Arguev that the plaintiffs were not the holders of the cheque, though admit- that a cheque is a negotiable instrument, but in this case the cheque was sent for a racial purpose,but as Messrs Law were going to apply it to another, the sender stopped pay- …

11. Definition • "Cheque is an instrument in writing containing an unconditional order, addressed to a banker, sign by the person who has deposited money with the banker, requiring him to pay on demand a certain sum of money only to or to the order of certain person or to the bearer of instrument." • Section 5 of the Indian Negotiable Instrument Act of 1881