unaesthetic in English

not visually pleasing; unattractive.
Like much of urban Trinidad, this appears to be a functional if unaesthetic sprawl of small businesses, shops, fast-food outlets, homes, temples, mosques and Hindu prayer flags.

Use "unaesthetic" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "unaesthetic" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "unaesthetic", or refer to the context using the word "unaesthetic" in the English Dictionary.

1. But the flinging of gold coins instead of pebbles, the lighting of a cigarette with a banknote, the pulverization and drinking of a pearl appear unaesthetic.

2. The Circumstance that makes the appreciation of cost often unaesthetic is the abstractness of that quality.: I advert to the Circumstance again because it is connected with the present inquiry.: During Mohammad 'alee's rule, all traces of the state and Circumstance of the Memlook court gradually passed away.: One of the antiguan magistrates related to me the following Circumstance, which had