tyrants in English

a cruel and oppressive ruler.
the tyrant was deposed by popular demonstrations
a tyrant flycatcher.
With 429 or so tyrannids, there are more species of Tyrant Flycatchers than in any other family of birds in the world, yet the Eastern Kingbird has earned the title of tyrant of tyrants .

Use "tyrants" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tyrants" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tyrants", or refer to the context using the word "tyrants" in the English Dictionary.

1. Smarter tyrants followed, and the reaction thereto.

2. There's only rebels and tyrants now.

3. An Age of Tyrants (Britain and the Britons, A.D

4. No longer will these proud tyrants openly defy Jehovah!

5. So the song of the tyrants is silenced.

6. Some of the prison officers were petty tyrants.

7. They become tyrants, they make slaves of their people.

8. Are frowning and haughty tyrants to be preferred to generous Lords?

9. “Good news for everyone but Bureaucrats and petty tyrants!” Sen

10. Have you noticed the nastiest of tyrants are invariably thin?

11. Raging winds, of air the tyrants, Hasten, burst open your chains!

12. An America that will not coddle tyrants, from Baghdad to Beijing.

13. They are tyrants who execute not simple mindedly, but with their own logic.

14. Victims of a corrupt government in bed with the tyrants of Wall Street.

15. The leader of the Thirty Tyrants, Critias, was killed in the battle.

16. When the blast of the tyrants is like a rainstorm against a wall,

17. We will start the list with one of history’s oldest, Cruelest and most unpredictable tyrants

18. Will Iran set free the people that the tyrants have enslaved and expropriated?

19. Nothing is so loved by tyrants as obedient subjects. Clarence Darrow 

20. In our old translations these names were considered Appellatives - rulers, mighty men, and tyrants

21. After the Cimmerians had been driven away, the city was ruled by a series of tyrants.

22. Comparisons between twentieth-century dictators and the classical tyrants of Ancient Rome are alluring but misleading.

23. Synonyms for Autarchs include kings, dictators, despots, tyrants, oppressors, totalitarians, authoritarians, fuehrers, absolutists and autocrats

24. Synonyms for Absolutists include authoritarians, dictators, totalitarians, tyrants, arbiters, autocrats, despots, control freaks, fascists and caesars

25. We are of the deeply held belief that many human beings have come to behave as materialistic tyrants.

26. 19 Since 1919, tyrants have tried everything to break the integrity of true worshipers, but they have failed.

27. This materialism also means that the traditional tyrants, the parents-in-law, are being increasingly regarded by married couples as burdens.

28. And I shall actually cause the pride of the presumptuous ones to cease, and the haughtiness of the tyrants* I shall abase.

29. And I shall actually cause the pride of the presumptuous ones to cease, and the haughtiness of the tyrants I shall abase.”

30. He credits Hobbes with having “inspired countless tyrants,” and says that “his Collectivist nightmare…is not just the stuff of George Orwell

31. ‘The Cruelty perpetrated on the family must cease immediately.’ ‘Is the response to the extreme Cruelty of tyrants the defining moment of the human condition?’ Synonyms

32. When is it acceptable to use our power and when do we cross that invisible line that turns us into tyrants over our fellow man?

33. THE MINISTER'S WOOING HARRIET BEECHER STOWE Let the new bourgeois tyrants cuddle and Cosset the serpent that shall bite them, as did the salon ladies of the old regime

34. The Libyan regime’s systematic use of deadly force, including aerial and rocket attacks against civilians, evokes memories of other such violations by tyrants, and may well be crimes against humanity.

35. Neither the life of anarchy nor the life enslaved by tyrants, no, worship neither. Strike the balance all in all and god will give you power. Aeschylus 

36. And yet, the left constantly accuses the right of not only being Authoritarians, but also fascists, Nazis, tyrants, religious zealots, and any other name that describes the most extreme kind of authoritarianism.

37. And yet, the left constantly accuses the right of not only being Authoritarians, but also fascists, Nazis, tyrants, religious zealots, and any other name that describes the most extreme kind of authoritarianism.

38. Remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always. Mahatma Gandhi 

39. Perhaps it was the Bowdlerization that led to this usage, but even in the thirties some writers use the term "patriarchy" in a derogatory sense as the rule by male tyrants

40. This label released their eighth studio album Death to Tyrants in 2006 to positive reviews (Abacus eventually went out of business, though Sick of It All would remain on Century Media, which released the band's next three albums).

41. * 1776 , During that calamitous period, every instant of time was marked, every province of the Roman world was afflicted, by Barbarious invaders and military tyrants, and the ruined empire seemed to approach the last and fatal moment of its dissolution

42. 1776, Edward Gibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire During that calamitous period, every instant of time was marked, every province of the Roman world was afflicted, by Barbarious invaders and military tyrants, and the ruined empire seemed to approach the last and

43. Bullock tied Biden’s stumble to the Ides of March, asserting that just as Julius Caesar was a tyrant who was assassinated on March 15 in 44 B.C., God had again sent a power “into the earth to remove tyrants from their seats of authority” on March 15, 2021.

44. One of these intellectual tyrants, a man of great ability, when he quarrelled with any one, used to threaten to "Bastardise" him, or to find the bend-sinister somewhere in his ancestry; and his experience in long genealogies made him feel assured, in the general case

45. Architraval ARROGANCE? 263 of the name of the donor, particularly in such a highly visible location as the architrave, has been frequently viewed as an example of the citizens of Greek poleis adopting the practices of foreigners, tyrants, and kings.9 In the following reconsideration of Greek architectural dedications, I

46. ———————————————————————— ★★★ A NEW CONSERVATIVE AGE IS RISING ★★★ Supreme Court Balkanizes America by giving half of Oklahoma over to a sovereign Native American nation! In this video, we’re going to look at the latest insane ruling coming from our de fact tyrants in black robes, how it represents nothing less than the balkanization

47. Trump stood up to the radical political Correctness tyrants! We need him back in office in 2024! Show you agree by ordering on of these FREE Trump 2024 hats here: I Love My Freedom With the fact that Joe Biden is a rapist becoming readily apparent, the Democrats have been forced into a corner.They can either disown him, thus casting off the baggage of his gaffes, corruption, and sexual

48. Anarchy (n.) 1530s, "absence of government," from French anarchie or directly from Medieval Latin anarchia, from Greek anarkhia "lack of a leader, the state of people without a government" (in Athens, used of the Year of Thirty Tyrants, 404 B.C., when there was no archon), abstract noun from anarkhos "rulerless," from an-"without" (see an-(1)) + arkhos "leader" (see archon).