necessary evil in English

something unpleasant that must be done in order to achieve a goal

Use "necessary evil" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "necessary evil" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "necessary evil", or refer to the context using the word "necessary evil" in the English Dictionary.

1. Necessary evil.

2. A necessary evil.

3. For years, Anteing was seen as a necessary evil

4. I think he regards work as a necessary evil.

5. Replacing the Coils in your atomizer is a necessary evil

6. Replacing the coils in your Atomizer is a necessary evil

7. Most farmers accept the cull as heartbreaking, but a necessary evil.

8. 11 Most farmers accept the cull as heartbreaking, but a necessary evil.

9. 5 Mr Waldegrave's shambolic performance in the press conference was a necessary evil.

10. Bureaucracy was also a necessary evil to cope with the ravages of war.

11. Agitation is a necessary evil to tell of the ills of the Suffering

12. She was seen as a temptress, an instrument of the Devil, a necessary evil.

13. 13 They viewed such methods as a necessary evil, unavoidable yet somehow beneath their dignity.

14. The loss of jobs is regarded as a necessary evil in the fight against inflation.

15. Until now, aerospace engineers considered aeroelasticity a necessary evil, designing aircraft structures that are stiff and heavy.

16. The loss of jobs is regarded by some as a necessary evil in the fight against inflation.

17. Appar had spent most decades of his life as a Jain whose mainstream traditions considered sex as, at best, a necessary evil

18. For Ibn Khaldun, government should be restrained to a minimum for as a necessary evil, it is the constraint of men by other men.

19. Commercialisation in local government is very often seen as a “necessary evil”. For many organisations, it has negative connotations both internally and for service users

20. Up to the 1950s Crammers were common, widely used, and often reviled as a necessary evil: a dull grind of lectures, often in spartan surroundings, delivered by care-worn (though often expert) teachers.

21. Government is an evil; it is only the thoughtlessness and vices of men that make it a necessary evil. When all men are good and wise, government will of itself decay. Percy Bysshe Shelley 

22. ‘The homely Cardie, unfortunately, is a necessary evil in our depressingly cold and damp northern climate.’ ‘Because it was radio, he could presumably turn up for work in an old Cardie.’ ‘If it is a sunny day, we may have to put on a Cardie.’ ‘Are you man enough for a Cardie?’

23. ‘The homely Cardie, unfortunately, is a necessary evil in our depressingly cold and damp northern climate.’ ‘Because it was radio, he could presumably turn up for work in an old Cardie.’ ‘If it is a sunny day, we may have to put on a Cardie.’ ‘Are you man enough for a Cardie?’