u turn in English

the turning of a vehicle in a U-shaped course so as to face in the opposite direction.
He turned the flashers on just before he made a U-turn , heading back in the direction he'd come.

Use "u turn" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "u turn" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "u turn", or refer to the context using the word "u turn" in the English Dictionary.

1. In season 21, a "Blind Double U-Turn" was included, incorporating the rules of a Blind U-Turn and a Double U-Turn.

2. Do a u-turn

3. I did a U-turn and headed back home.

4. The government has made a spectacular U-turn on taxes.

5. Somebody better mek a U-turn before de fire start burn.

6. She made a U-turn and drove away, her son still crying.

7. Mitterrand made a decisive U-turn in 1983 and cut government spending.

8. It is illegal to do/make a U-turn on a motorway.

9. But the decision would be seen by Labour as another U-turn.

10. The car made a U-turn and headed back at high speeds.

11. He picked out something from the shelves and made a clattering U-turn.

12. Should she do a U-turn and sell him the house? she wondered.

13. A U-turn in Moscow is even more illegal than a left turn.

14. I started my car and did a U-turn, pulling up next to him.

15. Andy Cole's U-turn gave him the space to shoot high into the net.

16. Mr Clarke said he assumed it had done a U-turn across the central reservation.

17. We did an extremely fast U-turn and shot south up the Boulevard St. Michel.

18. The road soon snakes to the east, giving the impression of a gigantic U-turn.

19. But one top economist viewed the Government's decision to spotlight manufacturing as another U-turn.

20. 22 We did an extremely fast U-turn and shot south up the Boulevard St. Michel.

21. 16 We did an extremely fast U-turn and shot south up the Boulevard St. Michel.

22. The Prime Minister did/made a quick U-turn in response to all the adverse publicity.

23. He spun the wheel sharply and made a U turn in the middle of the road.

24. The government was forced to do a U-turn after angry protests about their taxation policy.

25. Critics accused the government of doing a U-turn on its promise to increase education spending.

26. Rather, in a very pleasant voice, it says, “Recalculating route—when possible, make a legal U-turn.”

27. A U-turn on this issue would be embarrassing for the Conservatives and should not be expected.

28. If that happens, some economists believe Mr Greenspan could make a u-turn on taxes early next year.

29. The Supreme Court, once a champion of efforts to mix black and white, has performed a U-turn.

30. Pakistan takes U-turn, says Bahawalpur seminary not linked to Jaish-e-Mohammad 24 Feb, 2019, 07.48 AM IST

31. The best skits were broadcast on NTV Uganda in the Barbed Wire TV show that later became U-Turn.

32. She glanced behind her, then made a U-turn, and we began retracing the 45 minute drive to the hospital.

33. Alas[sentencedict .com], his selection would require an improbable U-turn on the part of the Sassenach segment of the selectors.

34. Backpedaling (plural Backpedalings) The act of distancing oneself from a previously supported idea, action, behaviour, etc.; a U-turn or flip-flop

35. Boy2’s car was completely wrecked at the back after a van hit it when he took a U-turn along Quezon and Banawe Avenues

36. There are no winners over health service U-turn "They were more physical, they made the breakdown a Bunfight and lived off our mistakes

37. What is perhaps most remarkable about Love for Life is that it is backed by the Government, marking a U-turn on a subject that has, until now, been rigorously censored.