typist in English

a person who is skilled in using a typewriter or computer keyboard, especially one who is employed for this purpose.
The firm's New York City office has approximately a hundred and fifty employees - attorneys, paralegals, administrative staff, typists , secretaries and receptionists.

Use "typist" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "typist" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "typist", or refer to the context using the word "typist" in the English Dictionary.

1. She is a dexterous typist.

2. 2 synonyms for Amanuensis: shorthand typist, stenographer

3. We have vacancy for a typist.

4. Properly or sufficiently qualified; capable: a Competent typist

5. She dictated a letter to a typist.

6. Kitty was down on the junior typist.

7. I worked as a secretary, or rather, a typist.

8. The typist received an admonition from the supervisor for being careless.

9. It will be difficult without the help of a skilled typist.

10. 14 The typist is engaged for a week on trial.

11. Amanuensis - someone skilled in the transcription of speech (especially dictation) shorthand typist, stenographer

12. He always checked the manuscript over carefully before passing it to the typist.

13. She used to be a typist and is married to a car patrolman on shift work.

14. Mere dictation to a typist in the normal course of business is not evidence of excessive publication.

15. The boss was ready to pounce on the typist when she made the slightest mistake.

16. 9 Instead, the questions are relayed by a chat moderator, and a typist enters the replies.

17. At the station, we saw a familiar face, a typist to whom we had witnessed recently.

18. We asked our effervescent typist what she might have been thinking at the time, but she only blushed.

19. Your teasing of the new typist has got beyond a joke and I advise you to stop it.

20. No time to waste: a 1920s typist takes dictation as the train speeds to the next business meeting.

21. The typist may wish to continue using two spaces after a period, but the typographer should not.

22. I am ALERT, adaptable, and keen-minded. I am an efficient stenographer and typist. I can write clearly, concisely, and entertainingly.

23. Work through the Beginner typing lessons for about 30 minutes each day, five days a week to become a fast, accurate and confident touch typist.

24. ‘an Apologetic smile’ ‘The typist smiles to himself as the story returns like an Apologetic lover, penitent, regretful and contrite.’ ‘Defending, the lawyer said his client was Apologetic and very much regretted the …

25. ‘The process has been painfully and Agonizingly slow to the World Championship Title.’ ‘I'd heard that it was agonisingly painful, but I just found it uncomfortable and embarrassing.’ ‘It doesn't help that the most recent guy was already a slow typist, and just Agonizingly slow with the left handed hunt-and peck.’

26. In typewriters, a typist would, for example, type a lowercase letter A with acute accent (á) by typing a lowercase letter A, backspace and then the acute accent key (also known as overstrike ). This is the basis for such spacing modifiers in computer character sets such as the ASCII caret (^, for the circumflex accent).