typify in English

be characteristic or a representative example of.
tough, low-lying vegetation typifies this arctic area
synonyms:epitomizeexemplifycharacterizebe representative ofpersonifyembodybe emblematic of

Use "typify" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "typify" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "typify", or refer to the context using the word "typify" in the English Dictionary.

1. The names typify region.

2. Those five pages also typify his odd priorities.

3. Burke's arrogance seems to typify this government's approach.

4. Rather, speculation, conflicts, and theoretical extrapolation typify their every action.

5. These two buildings typify the rich extremes of Irish architecture.

6. This single item will suffice to typify all the rest. Sentencedict.com

7. In this book we have tried to typify the main classes of verbs.

8. The mare basalts are denser than the rocks which typify the highlands.

9. Two recent cars typify the current state of the art with car faces.

10. Antonyms for Antithesize include represent, symbolise, symbolize, embody, typify, characterise, characterize, demonstrate, epitomise and epitomize

11. He seems increasingly to distrust the idealistic visions of humanity that typify his early works.

12. New singers whose voices typify different feelings sing old songs again as their own rendition.

13. They are therefore difficult to mould into the tight curves that typify a mogul shape.

14. His latest book reflects the old preoccupations with sex and religion that typify much of his work.

15. Active learning, doing real things, being real scientists, these things typify classroom and school communities that work.

16. Adumbrate — *suggest, shadow Analogous words: symbolize, typify, emblematize (see corresponding nouns at SYMBOL): signify, denote, *mean … New Dictionary of Synonyms

17. One finds there all typify of shops: tobacconist’s shop, grocer's shop, bakeries, butcher’s shop, and real estate agency.

18. This is not only normal, it is healthy and should typify any marriage or engagement regardless of age.

19. Adumbrate allude to, betoken, cloud, embody, foreshow, have an intimation, incarnate, mirror, personate, prognosticate, shadow, typify Definition v

20. At that time, the building could have been said to typify the dereliction of the whole London docks area.

21. We also recommend four good quality, value-for-money wines from Sainsbury's, which typify a particular style or region.

22. Metals such as copper typify Conductors, while most non-metallic solids are said to be good insulators, having extremely high resistance to the flow of charge through them.

23. Affect theory is a theory that seeks to organize Affects, sometimes used interchangeably with emotions or subjectively experienced feelings, into discrete categories and to typify their physiological, social, interpersonal, and internalized manifestations

24. It is a neutral typify, from the Confidingly sunken northwest hospital seattle of northwest hospital seattle employment, that those careless "lanchows" in imminents _the dynasts_ are so thievishly spite equines dialectic.In northwest hospital seattle, the northwest hospital seattle radiology arose Hospital Number was patiently diarrhoetic to the cream-colored junketeer paltry jarringly

25. A Transuranic Arquebus is a long-barrelled infantry weapon which epitomises the precision and inhuman efficiency that typify the cyborg Skitarii legions of the Adeptus Mechanicus.Firing a shell of depleted transuranium, a transuranic Arquebus can puncture a tank from one side to the other, the resultant pressure wave also pulping any biological creatures that may be